I feel i have lost my Wife to OCD


New member
Hi there, i need some help, more encouragement than anything. My wife was diagnosed with having OCD about 5 years ago. She had a fear of contamination and high She battled for two years with it and finally managed to control it.
For the past 3 years she has kept it under wraps, with the odd OCD moment as we call it here and there.
Two months ago, the symptoms began again. We both knew where it was leading, but we were confident we could handle it, which we did. The a new symptom came about, Intrusive Images. These started a suicidal images and progressed to images of killing people, even our son. She never acted on any of them, but i could see her self esteem begin to fall, fast.
For the past few days, the images have been their worst ever and the suicidal thoughts are no longer the OCD, it is her wish.
She was admitted to a psychiactric hospital last night and i am having a ahrd time dealing with it. Not the fact that she is in there, i feel that the dissorder has consumed her very being and i am never going to see the person i married again. I miss her so much and it hurts so much. I will always be there for her, no matter what life has to throw at us, but i would just love to see her smile again.
Please, if someone could please reassure me that i havn't lost her to OCD, please::(:


Well-known member
all i can say is hope she gets better soon ... i dont know enough about it to comment sorry , but like noca says looks like its treatable ...


Well-known member
I am so sorry for the pain you're going through but remember to be strong for your wife and son because they need you. I have no experience with severe OCD like that but I'm sure there might be a way to get her help and treatment and I wish only the best for you.


Well-known member
sorry mate, have a read of my posts from the last few years, its a horrible thing, and transforms into worse and worse things.

mine recently ended with disasterious consequences.
I don't know much about OCD, but what i do know is you sound very supportive and believe me she is going to need your support to get through it, she needs as little stress as possible right now.
Read up about OCD and get as much info as you can, i wish you both the best of luck and hope your wife gets better soon.


Well-known member
everybody told me this advice too, and it only got worsse, to a very abusive, demanding one sided relationship. the other advice i was given was to leave her, maybe i should of taken that advice...
everybody told me this advice too, and it only got worsse, to a very abusive, demanding one sided relationship. the other advice i was given was to leave her, maybe i should of taken that advice...

wow, someone advised you to leave her, thats pretty cold leaving your wife when she needs you most.


Well-known member
cold maybe, thats what i thought at the time, but ive suffered years of abuse, watching it get worse and worse, while i supported her, and she just took advanage of me. have a read of some of my posts, and you will understand
cold maybe, thats what i thought at the time, but ive suffered years of abuse, watching it get worse and worse, while i supported her, and she just took advanage of me. have a read of some of my posts, and you will understand

I mean when your wife first gets OCD it would be cold to leave her, if she has had it a while then it's a different story, i just mean when you get an illness like that at first your going to be scared and want people around you, not people to leave you.
If you've had the support through the illness for a while and ain't thankful for it, i could imagion the other person getting a little tired of that.


New member
No one has said to me to leave her, i think that is a very cruel bit of advice. My view is this, at this very moment in time, i have said to every one around me that i dont matter, all that matters is that my wife gets better. That is what is important. I also suffered from abuse when she was bad a few years ago. I had the same view then, when she got better, i then thought about me. She is my life and i would never even dream of leaving
No one has said to me to leave her, i think that is a very cruel bit of advice. My view is this, at this very moment in time, i have said to every one around me that i dont matter, all that matters is that my wife gets better. That is what is important. I also suffered from abuse when she was bad a few years ago. I had the same view then, when she got better, i then thought about me. She is my life and i would never even dream of leaving

Well you sound like a very decent bloke to me, i wish your wife well and hope she starts feeling better soon.. good luck too you both!


Active member
a bit off topic, but what do you mean by "abuse" the anger that stems from the anxiety? or something else? mind PM'ing me the answer? i have a horrible time following threads :confused:


Well-known member
well, at first i handled it, im talking about 10 years later, mental illness is amonster, ive slowly watched her get eaten up inside, now only the monster is left, she was totally controling, abusive, and was happy to force me to do everyhting for the sake of our daughter while she neglected her, she burnt me out, all she did was eat, sleep 20 hours a day or sit infront of the computer making a mess were ever she went, hording cluttering. it was very abusive, she controlled me to no end.

10 years later, and i never gave up, it only ended when she had an affair for some unknown reason and left. now we are in a legal bttle...

read my posts, its abusive, very abusive.
WOW you stayed around and took everything she threw at you, that's cold.
Not all woman are like that, i hope you find someone who can treat you right.


Well-known member
i think im off relationships for ever now... got my daughter to think about from here on en.