I feel bad in public


Active member
Can someone please help me. I think I might have social anxiety, but I'm not sure. Let me try to explain certain situations. I have broken it down myself into steps.

Step one is walking outside my house, period. As soon as I step out of my house, the hurt inside me comes, but not that much.

Step two is going into a store. When walking around a store, I feel so much pain in my body. I can't describe it. I want to say it's like stage frieght, and in a way it is, but there's more to it than that. Stage freight, to me, just feels like "butterflies" in the stomach, but what I feel is that, plus more. My heart rate increases, and I feel stiff like a board.

Step three is going to my college. I'm 18 and new to college. I only have three classes for two days a week. School environments are just the worst thing for me. As I get out of my vehicle, and start walking towards the buildings, it starts. My heart starts beating fast; I feel hot, but I never sweat; I feel like everyone is staring at me, and it makes me act stiff and behave in a "stilted" manner. Once I enter the building(s), it increases, probably because I'm closer to people being in a building. Then it gets worse. Once I enter a hallway where I pass people, soemtimes I feel like I'm controlling my own breathing.

Okay, now for THE WORST situation: entering the classroom. Not only is walking into a classroom with other students who are already seated a horrible experience for me, but finding my seat and ending up in the front row is just awful. My heart doesn't stop beating rapidly for the whole class if I end up in the front. My head feels hot at times. I can't explain, it's like, it feels like my head is hot, yet it feels like the blood isn't getting to my head, like low blood pressure or something.

Another WORST situation is sitting next to this girl, not even in the front row, but well, she's in another one of my classes too, and we don't really talk, I mean, who have talked before, but not much. I'm a horrible talker. I think I talk quiet. And I think I ask "What?" a lot. I think I have trouble hearing words clearly from other people. Well, anyways, we have talked before. Sometimes she reads the teacher's "quote of the day" on the board with me, like quietly next to me, and we laugh, because we never understand them fully. Though I don't laugh out loud, really, I more or less sniff rather than laugh, but IT IS funny inside, it really is. I guess I'm not good at expressing how I feel to people.

All of the symptoms I said before come into play when I'm around girls. Don't get me wrong, I love girls sooo much. I think I'm experiencing unrequited love and/or love-shyness, two things I read about on the internet. I experience a lot of the symptoms of those. I think all of this stems from those. Possibly the way I look too, because I'm really skinny. That could be the root of my problem, both being skinny and feeling the need to find a "mate". I also obsess over the way I look. I try so hard to make myself look good, but then I always see something that isn't right. Having glasses is just so bad, but I don't think I could bear wearing contact lenses. I classify myself as ugly.

I typed a lot...I'll have you know this is my second account. I didn't post much in my last account either, but I just felt like making a new account.

I know there is soemthing wrong with me...


Well-known member
hi, yes i would say you have social phobia as you have many of the signs and physical effects that come with it,but im glad you still push your self to go to college etc thats a great step in its self.
My advice to you would be to keep forcing yourself to do all the things that hurt,even if you start avoiding a few areas thinking that you will tackle it another day,will increase your problems.
I would recommend visiting your doc and getting advice from him/her,and have you got any trusted friends you could confide in?or your parents?hope things improve for you
good luck!


cloaked you seem to get very anxious when you leave the comfort of your home, i advice that you try and think a little less about what people are thinking but i know this is hard and next to impossible but the harder you try the easier it might get. Sometimes i just stop thinking entirely because i seem to over analyse and exagerate a situation wayyy to much so i just blank my mind, this sometimes helps.

Prozac seems to help me! but you have to go to a doc for that buddy.

and good luck! :p


Well-known member

Thanks for sharing that, it's not easy.

You walk outside your house and the 'hurt' comes. I'm guessing this is when anxiety starts to appear in your mind which induces your body's reaction. This is because you know what lies ahead. And its a hard day when you know you are going to feel like this. It seems like it strengthens because the event in your mind appears to draw closer. So you start to get progressively more anxious.

The event being in the classroom with this other girl or around girls.

All of your anxiety seems to come from how you think you appear to the opposite sex. And this leads you to doubt your self causing lack of confidence in your self and how you look.

I do not believe you a have a social phobia at all, i do however believe you are experiencing anxiety which is heightened and magnified when you are in this situation.

Because you cant avoid it, it's quite good because this would only make it worse. Also, it is wiser to learn how to feel better than to make your body look better for other people. Try talking with a close friend or someone you trust, you'll be surprised at how common this is.

There's this girl at work who makes me feel exactly the same, she's really shy but amazingly hot!, gets me all butterfly like he he great fun!

Try talking to girls more, push your boundary a little, you may see the anxiety will start to fade.

Girls love a guy who likes being himself, so remember who you are before you get all anxious. Good luck.



New member
I am the same way about school. When I was a kid and I would be late to class (all the classrooms were along a wall with all glass windows) I would stand and hide pressed up against the brick wall between the two classrooms so nobody would see me. I would stand there for a long time, sometimes until the classes changed, or until somebody saw me. In high school I was too embarrassed to go into class during first period so I would go in the bathroom and obsess over my makeup the whole time, never feeling like I looked ok. One time the teacher walked in and found me and screamed at me. It was so humiliating.
I hated the chairs and desks and tables in classrooms. They make you feel so exposed with no place to hide. I hate open public areas. I hate the front of the room. Social problems were a major reason if not the whole reason why I dropped out of high school and messed my life up even though I was extremely smart. I don't know how to handle it. I am 23 now and I want to go to college. Even thinking about a school or going to school or people who went to school makes me cry. Lately I have been thinking about my friend who went to MIT and crying every day over it. Shows about graduations and school kids make me cry. Clubs and people with friends make me really depressed/cry. I am afraid to try to go onto a school campus now because it is really overwhelming. I don't know how I am going to move on or move past it.

Anyway back to you. About the being skinny thing. I've been thinking that being slender is really more of a masculine trait. I mean men lose fat much more readily and women are genetically inclined to pack it on. I have always found myself attracted to men with somewhat leaner bodies. Especially if they are tall and muscular and lean, these days anyway, with the muscles and all. I don't like the big fat gross muscle hard-body athlete wrestler look. It's disgusting. Anyhow I am saying I wouldn't worry if I were you, because you can probably attract more girls than you know. And the girl who talks to you... maybe she is talking to you to give you an opening or because she likes you or something?


Well-known member
have you ever seen people who are either ugly, fat, small whatever and theyre real great, feel great, have friends etc...

i dont think skinny is an issue here


Active member
i want to thank you all for the replies.

Jack-B, i too overanalyze and exaggerate everything, and i think that's what gives me these thoughts that give me anxiety.

Dysphoria, it relieves me somewhat to hear you say skinny is masculine, i just hope a lot of the girls out there think that way. though, i am not sure if you understand how skinny i really am.

i am underweight. i am going to say my height and weight, it's embarassing, but okay. i am about 6 feet 1" and only weight 110 lbs. i look like a skeleton. i mean, my muscles are a little more defined after a little bit of secretive in-my-room excersies, but i am the skinniest thing you could imagine.

Higolo, she was really skinny and cute, but i didn't like her personality. she was shy a little also, but she was definately the whole party/drinker type girl... which is NOT like me. anyways, i withdrew from 2 of the 3 classes i was taking, the 2 of which she was in, so that relieves me a bit as well.

again, thank you for the replies, everyone. it all helps. it really does.