I fear that what I want doesn't actually exist? Anyone else feel like this?


Well-known member
I have goals but deep down I know I'll never be happy. I know that no matter how much therapy or medication I have, I'll always have some sort of social anxiety. Even if I achieve my goals I will still feel empty and anxious. I can never go back in and relive all those years I missed. I'll never have fun teenager memories. It's hard to explain what I mean, because I'm not even sure about what I want.
Does anybody else feel like they are chasing something that they know doesn't exist and will never have?:question:


Well-known member
I understand. When I was younger, I concluded that I could never be happy because I hinged my happiness on the past, as though the fact that I wasn't happy in the past, it could never happen. While it's true that you can't change what has (or hasn't) happened, you can control the present and future.
I also get the feeling about having anxiety even after achieving goals. I have often worried that I will never be satisfied with what I have accomplished, but every so often, I find something to celebrate, and it feels wonderful.
Don't give up on being happy, otherwise it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Well-known member
There's no other way but to start now, otherwise you wasted your teenage years and now you're wasting today by focusing on what you've lost.


You want to know how I got these scars?
acknowledge the past, but dont let it control your future.
you cant move forward if you're always looking back.

I don't think I'll ever be totally free of SA, but I know I have made good progress in getting better. You can too :)