I don't know what to do

Everybody in my life is either an enemy, or unsympathetic to me. Even my girlfriend. I feel that most of the time she doesn't even know a single thing about me or care. My life is meaningless. I would elaborate more but she might look at this screen any second and the fact that I think this might hurt her feelings. In fact, any time I accuse someone that is "close" to me of not knowing anything about me or caring, they just get mad or offended and don't argue the points I make. They just let me talk our of my ass until I give up in trying to reach them. I don't know what to do. All communication with others is complete bull****. Every time I express a feeling, people just awkwardly roll their eyes or turn the other cheek and pay me no mind. Nobody ****ing cares. I hate humanity. I hate everything. Nobody has ever given me two damns and everyone excepts so much out of me.
To cook for them. To clean for them. To bring them things. To run errands for them. To give up my life dream so that I can pursue a career that I hate. To hold a smile in public when all I want to do is end my life.
You collect mental issues. How cute. Do you keep them in a jar on the shelf? Are you some kind of shrink? Do you think this is a joke? I HATE EVERYT HNIGBNFvj kcloxp


Well-known member
I know how hard it is to communicate with people, especially when no one understands you. I feel like I have to yell to get my point across but that just makes me look crazy. I am trying to work on it.


Active member
I think most people find it hard to understand things they have not had to deal with for themselve. However I think we all like to think we can, it's a big thing to understand our own ignorance. It sounds like your girlfriend does care or you wold not be able to hurt her feelings.