I Dare You to Take a risk this week ..


Well-known member
I want you all to start this week, welcome rejection and ask for advice from people if need be, what do you want from this world and of yourselves, you'll need mostly the energy to try, so start by exercising ride your bike, go for a run ..

what do i want to achieve

1. learn music properly, and start a band in the vein of dinosaur jr(that's another story though)
2. join a basketball or soccer team (as i know i'm great at both)
3. make new friends, 1 or 2 at least
4. walk into clubs or the shops without any anxiety
5. make more money

the only way i can achieve this is by exposure and ambition as nobody is going to hand me such prizes on a platter without me lifting a finger ..

seeya later


no that's all i had to say, actually i await to read of all your failings and successes


I like this topic :)

I've been trying to work on exposure by myself, and have some short-term goals (long-term goals other than feeling socially functional and having more self-esteem intimidate me right now):

Today I want to check out a new gym I'd like to join, and ask to see their equipment, facilities, etc.
Tomorrow I'd like to ride my bike to work, even through that scary intersection where I have to get into the middle lane of traffic and might inconvenience someone (or even get honked at!)
Thursday I'd like to call my brother (yeah it makes me nervous - we don't talk all that much anymore, but I'd like to)
Friday I'm helping my boyfriend's friends move who I don't know very well (and who are with it and cool and therefore intimidating) and I'm going to focus on actively countering my negative self-talk and enjoying learning things about new people and listening to what they have to say.
Saturday I'm going to a family party and want to have at least a brief conversation with every relative there :p (we're only talking about 12 people likely).
Sunday I'm going to a Yoga class for the first time that I've wanted to go to for over 6 months.

I'm excited :)


Well-known member
I started reading a self-help book about social anxiety and I already feel it has helped me some this week, mainly talking more to people at work.

This Friday I may be going to to a couple bars with a couple friends, I would like to talk to a few random girls. If nothing else it will at least be good practice.