I dare a mother fkr to come in my face.


Well-known member
Who wants to bar fight?

How many social phobes have ever gotten into a full throttle bar fight? I think there is some real value in asserting one's self in this way. There are some circumstances where violence has true communication value. There is nothing like breaking one's knuckes and another's jaw to assert one's personality and speak the truth about right and wrong.

It says "I am" and there are boundaries should never be crossed without the language of blood and bruises being spoken on my behalf.

Michael Jackson is a well-known social phobe, and his sexual contact with non-judgmental children is an expression of his fear of humiliation at the hands of a fully mature woman. Britney Spear's prescription for him was that "What he needs is to get into a bar fight." I think there is some real truth to that.

I have never gotten into a bar fight, but this evening I should have. Next time the same circumstances at this evening present themselves, I will.

What do you think?


Well-known member
cutefluffykitten said:
Frustration to someones view of a person leads to the need to fight, its a weakness not really a strength or an acheivement.
I am not a violent person, I rarely get worked up, I don't have a temper. but I believe there is a time for everything, and I believe that there is a time to stand up for onesself and have the bouncers escort you out.

Some people will never repent and will never say sorry and will never see what they did as wrong. Violence removes the veil; it plants the flag of truth within the fortress of an unrepentant soul. The first and lowest operation of pain shatters the illusion that all is well. The second shatters the illusion that one can do anything without ever coming to the knowledge that what we have done is wrong. If a wrong has been done, pain at recognition of the evil, being a kind of knowledge, is relatively good.


Active member
Good luck and can we have the address of the hospital you will be in so we can send a get well card.

While I see what you are saying and understand the self respect thing of not backing down, ultimately what does it say. Violence may well be neccessary on rare occasions but it makes you more of a man to shrug someones insults off and walk away. Society tells us a real man is tough, ready to fight, all that rubbish, etc. And yes knowing how to defend yourself is a good thing.

But if you win so what - the guy you beat up is still an idiot, if you lose he is still an idiot and you have been battered. Take up a martial art, boxing, etc and then walk away from situations knowing you chose not to fight. Is a whole different thing and feeling.


Well-known member
I nearly got into an airport fight the other day.

It was the first time in nearly a year that I had met up with an old 'friend' For years when I lived in the same city as him he would run me down all the time, always making fun of me in front of others.

He did it to some others as well but I could never avoid him because he was friends with the only people I would ever hang out with.

I saw him at the airport as he we were all flying to a concert up north. Over the last year I have grown a lot but he hasnt one bit, he was still the manipulative person I used to know. After making fun of me in front of some people I had just met he then proceeded to start making fun of my other mate.

I was pretty close to snapping. A well placed fist seemed like the most effective communication at that moment. So maybe there is some truth in what you say Zipper.

I did however refrain from engaging in any err physical form of communication, I didnt want to miss the concert
There is a difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness. Hitting someone does not show that you are in control...actually it shows that you dont have control over your emotions and actions.

Anyway who wants to take advice from Britney Spears?


Well-known member
mad_mad_woman said:
There is a difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness. Hitting someone does not show that you are in control...actually it shows that you dont have control over your emotions and actions.

I so one hundred percent totally agree with you in this!!

Anyway who wants to take advice from Britney Spears?
Exactly! :lol:

P.S-Maybe you should change your name to Wise_Wise_Woman instead? :wink:


Well-known member
what zipper is saying may or may not have truth to it. then again, it may not be a universal truth, but it could be HIS truth, guess thats what counts.

good chance youl end up in hospital or dead though, worth considering as a side note :lol: . think about it more carefully if you prepared for the consequences. have you ever been stabbed, or felt broken glass in your head ? do you want to go to jail ?

maybe a one on one fight with someone unarmed would be more suitable if you want to fight someone lol

edit: "But if you win so what - the guy you beat up is still an idiot"

well said surge


Well-known member
I don't think taking advice from Britney Spears is a great idea.

I have been in this situation before, and although there is a rush of self confidence, it wears off quickly.


Well-known member
Learning from past mistakes I would say that to stay away from violent actions would be the best advice. It is difficult though to advise someone who has their children vitimized. It is far removed from being at a bar and getting into a fist fight. You can stay away from the bar or stay away from the person. It is difficult to put my two cents in when I do not have the details. I am sorry that someone has hit your son. Unless anyone was in the same situation as you are in I can not see what advice someone can give. I hope things work out for you FlirtyandDirty.


Well-known member
FlirtyandDirty said:
I went to a club about 19yrs ago and got into an argument with some girl there. She was really getting in my face and she deserved to be slapped. The only thing that stopped me was that she was pregnant. It took me years to get over the feeling that I was a wimp by walking away. [/i]

I think you did the right thing by not slapping a pregnant woman. I would not consider you a whimp for not getting physical with a pregnant woman. What if something happened to the child? Regardless of what was said to you I can not see any reason to put an unborn child in harm's way. You would be a caring person by not slapping her and uncaring if you did. If you had slapped her you would be regretting having done that today.


Well-known member
Getting into a fight with someone being pissy at you is a way of actively asserting your presense, AND it has the potential to release the emotion necessary to overcome a spell of social anxiousness. So why not use this to build your self esteem?

For one thing, even being in a bar is retarded if you are working for a good image for everyone to see you in. Getting yourself tossed out of such a dastardly place makes you a worse-looking individual. You; as one who doesn't feel they are worth being amongst common society, don't need anyone labeling you as troublemaking scum, now do you?

Play nice!!


how much do you know about yourself if youve never been in a fight, just one...in your life..should be ok


Well-known member
I think it takes a lot more strength to control your emotions than to let them dictate your behaviour.


Active member
I can remember wanting to bash a perverted/abusive track coach in the head. It would have been 110% justifiable and would of felt good. I didn't was too scared but the thought really came to me.

I did bash a guy in the jaw for grabbing my boobs at a night club.

So I'm a chick who got into a bit of a brawl with a guy.

In either instance it was just a survival mode kicking in. It was not immature or irrational for feeling that way.


Well-known member
I wouldn't say that a bar-fight is a healthy suggestion. I know I'd get a bad mix of adrenaline and rage in such a situation, and if I should then end up with the upper hand it could get very bad.


Well-known member
I have always thought that getting into a full on bar fight would be very theraputic for me. Even if I got the living shit kicked out of me, flying into a rage for once in my life would feel awesome.


I've seen a few good bar fights in my day. Never been in one, but every time one breaks out I think to myself, "I should get in on that." The only thing that stops me when I'm that drunk is the fear of goin to jail or having someone press charges against me. Pain and adrenaline just make you feel more alive.


Well-known member
Ive seen a few bar fights in my day, too. In all 5 (a whopping five! yaaaay redneck shit-holes!) the cops showed up, separated the guys (or whoever) calmed them down, and talked all the parties into calling it a 'wash' where everyone agrees not to press charges and just goes home right away.

It may be different in bigger cities, though. The police arent very serious about ANYTHING here because they either went to school with or are related to *everyone*.