I know, i feel as if i freeze whenether a girl who i know comes face to face with me. I try my best to think of girls as being no different to guys but i end up freezing anyway. It sucks.
There's nothing more frustrating than being unable to say hello to people you've known for years.
It ain't worth beating yourself up over, especially as it works both ways. On a few occasions, I've pretended not to see someone coming and placed myself right in their path to see whether they would greet me. Most do, but a few others have definitely seen me, but don't utter a word and walk on by.
I go through that seems like everyday. sometimes, if i see someone i know from a distance, especially a girl, i'll always take a detour and go a longer route to where i was going just to avoid the awkwardness because i never have anything to say.
Try smiling, and saying 'Hello' to complete strangers...While walking in the opposite direction as them, while in halls, at work, on the train/bus, etc.
I use to do that, pretend I didnt saw a person so I wasnt force to say hello.
But now I am aware the reason I did it was APD, so when the urge to look the other way, or run as hell in the other direction shows up I just say to myself "APD talking not you" and I force myself to stay put and say hello.
Sometimes APD still wins but I have had a few victories as well.
same.. so many times i just pretend not to see someone. I feel like i'm being so rude. Its not so much the hello that i'm worried about. Its what comes next. I just have no idea what to say.