I avoid answering my mobile phone


Well-known member
I'm lonely yet when people text me on my mobile phone i read them but very often i will not reply, and sometimes my phone will ring and i'll switch the phone off to avoid talking to them. People are making an effort to be friends with me yet i push them away, because i don't feel worthy of friendship and i feel so fake as if i have to force myself to be friendly and happy. My self esteem at the moment is rock bottom. I just want to hide myself in my room and never come out again but i have to work so that's out of the question. God! I hate having this disorder.


i dont answer my phone as well, my old friends keep calling, I havent got anything to say to them.


Well-known member
Me too - I have a really bad reputation for not answering my messages. The truth is I can't be bothered. My friendship is worth pusuing - then I know who my real friends are ha ha. :lol:


Well-known member
I never ever answer my phone, I usually have it turned off...guess there is no point in having it :?


Well-known member
I don't mind sms's. Phone calls I usually won't pick. I'll usually psych myself up first, and then call them back later.


Well-known member
It is really though, I know. Just remember that you are not the only one who suffers from this. We do to. Contact us for support. We should stick together.


Well-known member
I received a SMS around a week ago, viewed it but really don't want to reply! :( It's the same question over and over again. I hate being asked whether I'm okay or not. Always feels like this person is just giving me pity friendship. :x She's not a bad person and I know she only wants to help but I'm not comfortable with telling her anything. :(