I am sorry :(

I read a lot of the post in here and so far i can tell that i am annoying and the most negative person on this forum. I am not trying to be over dramatic or a "teenage DRAMA QUEEN" but i am just writing my feelings. I don't want to annoy anyone with my daily complaints so i do apologize if i sound annoying or anything. I just don't have any desire to live anymore and i am a very very very pessimistic teen. So once again, i apologize for everything. I will try to post less or just lurk around.


Well-known member
The only reason you made this post id because of your anxiety, I'm the same way. I always think people don't like what i say on forums or think I'm stupid. The only way to get over it is to post more.


Is very difficult to be positive in life and is not necesary only to be reralist. But you are a god queen of the felicity. Congratulatuions.


Depressed4life said:
I read a lot of the post in here and so far i can tell that i am annoying and the most negative person on this forum. I am not trying to be over dramatic or a "teenage DRAMA QUEEN" but i am just writing my feelings. I don't want to annoy anyone with my daily complaints so i do apologize if i sound annoying or anything. I just don't have any desire to live anymore and i am a very very very pessimistic teen. So once again, i apologize for everything. I will try to post less or just lurk around.

I take it youve said this cos of the "If you're a teenager please stop with the 'my life is over'" post... well theres wisdom in what he/she said... but at the same time i think its aload of bollocks.. sorry but i do.Yeah things can change and you should give them the chance to,but just because your a teenager doesnt mean your problems arnt as bad as anyone elses or your a drama queen or anything like that.Ya teenage years are ment to be the best of ya life and i think its even harder to deal with depression and stuff when ur younger.

So yeah dont stop posting because of one persons opinion... your obviously in alot of pain and a shitty place right now... the thought that it might get better in a few years doesnt suddenly make evertyhing ok does it.Youve got nothing to be sorry for your problems are just as valid as ayone elses here,dont stop posting,you need somewhere to vent x


Well-known member
as a teenager you have more right than none teenagers to be sad or whatever the problem is its the over 40's im worried about, only jks but serious if anyones aloud to moan it shud be teens cus they do that anyway,hehe have fun.oli


Well-known member
Wise word as usual Danfalc. If you can't express your feelings and emotions here then what's this forum for. Sometimes it really does feel like life is not worth carrying on with however old you are. Expressing that here gets support and stories which may inspire hope and make people feel better. Having someone telling you to efectively shut up only makes people feel worse and worried what they can and can't say.

Telling someone to stop expressing their feelings that hurt no one else is not very nice.

You carry on with your posts depressed4life and most of us will continue to read and be here for you as you are for us. If someone is fed up with reading it then they have the choice to not read that thread.


Well-known member
Don't feel bad about it depressed for life. I have often made a post which i think sounds too depressing, but the whole point of a forum like this is to vent your feelings so keep posting.


Well-known member
I was just giving it to you straight, Depressed4life. Of course, we were all in HS and remember what it was like, but at least there is an end point. And it your case, it's this Summer, since you said you were graduating. Look at the possibilities in the not-too-far future. That's all I was saying. When you're 30 and still saying life is worthless, then I'll have a bit more sympathy. Don't take it the wrong way. You have a bf. I've never had a real gf, so I guess I should go hang myself.

Oh, and whoever said that your teenage years are supposed to be your best - LOL. That's a joke. Teenage years are only the best years for people who were popular in school and then did nothing with their lives.

Also, I never said she shouldn't express her frustrations, I just said she shouldn't say life is over if she's only 16.
IWouldPreferNotTo said:
I was just giving it to you straight, Depressed4life. Of course, we were all in HS and remember what it was like, but at least there is an end point. And it your case, it's this Summer, since you said you were graduating. Look at the possibilities in the not-too-far future. That's all I was saying. When you're 30 and still saying life is worthless, then I'll have a bit more sympathy. Don't take it the wrong way. You have a bf. I've never had a real gf, so I guess I should go hang myself.[/i]

So what if a have bf..i havent seen him for a year!! my parents don't know about it. He lives in another country. Having a bf its not the solution, if you aren't happy, then you aren't Happy period.

You don't want to know what other guys did to me...i bet not.


Well-known member
Depressed4life said:
So what if a have bf..i havent seen him for a year!! my parents don't know about it. He lives in another country. Having a bf its not the solution, if you aren't happy, then you aren't Happy period.

You don't want to know what other guys did to me...i bet not.

OK, so you don't have a real bf. You have to learn to cope, adapt and move on. You should go to church. Evangelical churches have the right kind of people you want to hang out with. No, that's not a joke. I've met the most tolerant positive people at church.


IWouldPreferNotTo said:
Oh, and whoever said that your teenage years are supposed to be your best - LOL. That's a joke. Teenage years are only the best years for people who were popular in school and then did nothing with their lives.
Was just my opinion no need to get so bent over shape about it :) ,im not saying they are the best years for everyone but for alot of people they can be.
IWouldPreferNotTo said:
Depressed4life said:
So what if a have bf..i havent seen him for a year!! my parents don't know about it. He lives in another country. Having a bf its not the solution, if you aren't happy, then you aren't Happy period.

You don't want to know what other guys did to me...i bet not.

OK, so you don't have a real bf. You have to learn to cope, adapt and move on. You should go to church. Evangelical churches have the right kind of people you want to hang out with. No, that's not a joke. I've met the most tolerant positive people at church.

He is my real bf, i am going to see him in the summer and we are planning to move together. Anyways, life doesn't get better for everyone.


Depressed4life said:
So what if a have bf..i havent seen him for a year!! my parents don't know about it. He lives in another country. Having a bf its not the solution, if you aren't happy, then you aren't Happy period.

You don't want to know what other guys did to me...i bet not.


Kyle and what does that mean?

WHy don't ppl who haven't dated concentrate on something else than getting a bf or gf because when you do that, its going to beat you up in the a.ss. WHich is the reason why i was fukked up in the head before i met my bf. When you find love unexpected its better than to be worrying 24/7 about omg i dont have a bf or gf blahblahblah. Or is it that some us have codependency issues...