I am new, please talk to me :)


Hello All

I am a 26 year old guy from Melbourne Australia. Over the last couple of years i have been dealing with depression, social anxiety, agoraphobia and occasional episodes of hypocondria. Even though most people would say i have a reasonably good life from the outside, deep down i am very sad and lonely
so i decided to join this forum with the hope of finding some really kind friends

I do have msn messenger, so if you want my address just send me a pvt message and i will give it to you

Hope to hear from you all



Well-known member
Im from the states. I am really just social phobic. I haven't been officially diagnosed, but i feel like a textbook example (bad eye contact, avoidance of social situations, constantly worrying being awkward) Like i can spend hours and hours agonizing over making a simple phone call, i have trouble at times leaving the house-always feel like im being stared at when im in public.
I actually like people, I do, I just can't always feel comfortable around them.

So phobias- old people, young people, fat people, skinny people, tall people, short people, and anybody inbetween I think that covers it :D

Off The Wall

Well-known member
Oh yay another aussie!! Welcome to the forum!! I'm from sydney! I have pretty much all the phobias you listed.. not a fun life huh!


i do get worried about the fact that i am 26 years old and have very few friends.... it's much harder to make good friendships as one gets older so i can feel the clock ticking for me

Off The Wall

Well-known member
^ Yeah sure is! Can definately see that happening.. i'm only 20 but still it does get harder each year to find a friend... boo for us, too bad you live in melb not syd.. or vise versa.

I do love melbourne though, i only been there once but it was really nice. Do you go out much there?


^ Yeah sure is! Can definately see that happening.. i'm only 20 but still it does get harder each year to find a friend... boo for us, too bad you live in melb not syd.. or vise versa.

I do love melbourne though, i only been there once but it was really nice. Do you go out much there?

I have the fortune of living right in the CBD so my work it s only a 5 minute walk. I do go out occasionally for dinner or to the movies, i just hope i could solve all of my problems and be like everyone else


Well-known member
Hi Panda, glad to see another Melburnian on here :) I'm out in the western suburbs...and also the north-east when I'm staying on-campus! Welcome to the boards!


Hello All

I am a 26 year old guy from Melbourne Australia. Over the last couple of years i have been dealing with depression, social anxiety, agoraphobia and occasional episodes of hypocondria. Even though most people would say i have a reasonably good life from the outside, deep down i am very sad and lonely
so i decided to join this forum with the hope of finding some really kind friends

I do have msn messenger, so if you want my address just send me a pvt message and i will give it to you

Hope to hear from you all

Welcome to SPW! Ill pm you about your msn in a sec.