I am getting pissed off with this site!


Well-known member
I have got to admit i am getting pissed off with this site. Nobody replie's to your posts, only my friend Yetisbabe.
Yeah I know it can be disheartening when no-one replies to your posts, but forums have ups and downs, sometimes there will be lots of posting, and sometimes not much. If you want to chat, how about adding some people to msn? You can add me if you fancy a chat evil_fairy200@hotmail.com

Hope you're alright

Naomi x


Active member
Hi everyone......I have posted a few times on here since I joined a few days ago. And it's really helpful to at least write down what you are feeling and to express what is going on with you.......

I notice that most people here are in the U.K...I am in the United States - in California.......So far away....But I'd really like to get to know you people and hopefully we can still help each other out......My e-mail address is: JmAnthony29@aol.com Please feel free to e-mail me; I can use all of the friends I can get........Hope to hear from you.....

31, Male, California(U.S.A)


New member

I tried to email you but aol said your email account was no good.. We have something in common.I live in California and i never had a boyfriend,been on a date or been kissed.I'm 35 year old female.
Let me know if you want to chat.


Active member
AnthonyJ31 said:
Hi everyone......I have posted a few times on here since I joined a few days ago. And it's really helpful to at least write down what you are feeling and to express what is going on with you.......

I notice that most people here are in the U.K...I am in the United States - in California.......So far away....But I'd really like to get to know you people and hopefully we can still help each other out......My e-mail address is: JmAnthony29@aol.com Please feel free to e-mail me; I can use all of the friends I can get........Hope to hear from you.....

31, Male, California(U.S.A)

I made a mistake with my e-mail address and I have since corrected it. My e-mail address is: JmAnthony29@aol.com

see ya,


Well-known member
i didn't see any difference in that e-mail address anthony! ANd Bimbo I know what you mean. I come here and I think only a few people know what I am going through . It seems that I have a whole diferent version of social phobia then I see of most people on here. I am not at all shy. I don't get embaressed. I know what to say to people and etc. I just have EXTREME panic in when I am going to be or am in social situations becuase I don't want to have a panic attack and go crazy in front of people I know. I can be around strangers no problem. I can chat up a storm someone I don't know but if I know you I can't have anything to do with you. Unless they are my immidiate family. BUt once it got so bad that I had extreme anxiety just knowing that my mom was going to call me. My hell my own mom! I hide in the bathroom when we have company.


Active member
weedle said:
i didn't see any difference in that e-mail address anthony! ANd Bimbo I know what you mean. I come here and I think only a few people know what I am going through . It seems that I have a whole diferent version of social phobia then I see of most people on here. I am not at all shy. I don't get embaressed. I know what to say to people and etc. I just have EXTREME panic in when I am going to be or am in social situations becuase I don't want to have a panic attack and go crazy in front of people I know. I can be around strangers no problem. I can chat up a storm someone I don't know but if I know you I can't have anything to do with you. Unless they are my immidiate family. BUt once it got so bad that I had extreme anxiety just knowing that my mom was going to call me. My hell my own mom! I hide in the bathroom when we have company.

I corrected my original e-mail as well in my first post..

And, I know what you are saying about panicking. In some situations I can be quite comfortable and verbose; in other situations I am more reserved and hesitant. However, I believe that I am able to function at a high enough level where most people probably don't realize that I have a problem. Most people just think I am quiet. My real problems seem to mimic your problems Weedle: I have a TREMENDOUS fear of having a panic attack in front of people and of embarrassing myself in the process. As soon as I realize that I am the center of attention - that all eyes are on me and that I am being evaluated - my whole insides change and I start to feel panicky and scared. I have such a fear of having a panic episode that I make it happen; it's like I expect it to happen, and it does......It's a very hard thing!


Well-known member
THat's me to a T. That's what I loved about my medication is that it turned off the part where I think about having a panic attack in fron of others and so I didn't enter the socail situation already worried about having one so then I would interact and be done with the interaction before I had apanic attack adn I would always remember thinking afterwards wow I forgot to have a panic attack. But the drugs made me forget ALLOT of other things as well. I didn't worry about NOTHING to the point I lost everything. So now that I have been what I thought "cured" without meds for 18 months I have relapsed and am trying to deal with it without meds. What are your methods of coping?


Well-known member
bimbo45, this is a great forum even if nobody answers to your posts for a day or two. I have registered in a russian social phobists forum and there are only 43 people registered, so you can wait for weeks to receive answers 8O :)


Well-known member
Paxil is what I htought t"cured" me. but it had major side effects. THen i switched to Effexor but wow is that STRONG! If you miss one dose it's like your coming of of crack. THen after a year on that I went to zoloft for 8 months. Then the past 18 months nothing. I have zoloft in my purse to tryagian if I can't get over it agian on my own agian. Paxil is great if all you care about is not having this sa and panic. but it will make you gain tremendous weight that is very hard to get off. It took me 2 1/2 years. and it numbs your mind. you know what's right and wrong you just don't give a shit on it!!!!


Active member
weedle said:
THat's me to a T. That's what I loved about my medication is that it turned off the part where I think about having a panic attack in fron of others and so I didn't enter the socail situation already worried about having one so then I would interact and be done with the interaction before I had apanic attack adn I would always remember thinking afterwards wow I forgot to have a panic attack. But the drugs made me forget ALLOT of other things as well. I didn't worry about NOTHING to the point I lost everything. So now that I have been what I thought "cured" without meds for 18 months I have relapsed and am trying to deal with it without meds. What are your methods of coping?

I have experimented with various anti-depressant medications, and thankfully I have never experienced any negative side effects such as weight gain, insomnia, appetite problems, e.t.c.....Out of all of the medications I have tried, Zoloft seemed to work the best for me. I remember one particular episode where I was really depressed and really nervous and anxious in general and, within about 2 days of taking Zoloft, my mood changed drastically for the better. I know it's unusual for a medication to start working so fast, but for me it did. To date, I haven't been on any medication for a few years, but I think I need to start again.
In actuality, in terms of combating the anxiety itself - and not the depression - beta blockers are wonderful drugs. I still have a prescription for Inderal - a beta blocker - and I will take that whenever I know I will be in a potentially anxiety arousing situation. These drugs work very fast and are very effective with the anxiety itself.

At the heart of the matter, at least for me personally, I think working on my self-esteem/self-confidence would be the most effective thing. I feel that all of this anxiety/depression is rooted in self-esteem issues. If I felt better about myself, if I truly believed that I was equal to anyone else in terms of worth, I would not feel so anxious and/or afraid around people.....What do you think?


Well-known member
HWat's weird for me is I during the time when I had gained the weight from the meds I thought I looked good and felt good about myself even though my friends, b/f at the time and family said I looked like crap and to do something about it. BUt now that I look good agian. Back to a small frame and stuff my panic attacks are back. Maybe it's because I get no attention when I gained weight and I do when I;m not. Cuz even good attention to me is bad attention. I don't ever want to be the center of attention. Does that all sound concieted cuz if it did then I said it all wrong. So dthe whole self confidence thing I don't know how that works wioth me but for you anthony it could help. Confidence is key. Before panic I thought I was a real brave person. That I could do anything. I even wanted to joing the marines and go fight. BUt now what was I thinking I am a scared little girl. A wimp.