hurra for mr.bush:(


Well-known member
Like I said earlier I think that HH is a genetic diseas.We miss something in our genes that makes our symphatic neurvous system to work on a to high level.

It is offcourse many other teories that i can belive in.For some it can be the diet,anxiety,loss off minerals,heathregulation in our body.The neurvous system is very difficult to understand,but I do belive most in the teori that the answers is in our genes.

So when i heard on the radio here in Norway,that mr bush had this year for the second time put in a VETO against the majority of the goverment, (60% was for it) TO GIVE MORE MONEY TO THIS SIENCE.I just get sad and angry,and if there is some americans here please correct me if im wrong or missunderstod the news.But i dont think I did.

And this time the case was that he found it unmoral to do sience on stem cells on "embryors" to find the solution and cures for a lot of different disieses.And I belive hyperhidrosis could be one of them!

Im not an expert on this whith embryors,but if nowone is hurt,or feel pain I find it unmoral to let all the people whith cronic terribale diseases to suffer.

I realy hope that healthy persons like himself one day will suffer from some terribale cronic untreatebale disease someday,so he can understand how frustrating this can be.

HAHA,ill think in fact one of the best desises for him would be
Hyperhidrosis.All the handshaking he is doing.He dont have a clue how shitty and terribale this is for us,and dont give a damn either whith his moral VETO`S.


this is what I think!!!!!


Well-known member
Thank you for the link Pinker,at least there has been one study one this.I dont know how serios this link is but it looks like they had put a littlte comfort in the study.

It seems that you have your "antenna" out for the most part when its about HH,and I appriciate your answers in this forum, Pinker.
