Humans antromorphing animals


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What do you think of this?

My sister has a dog and several cats, and she talks to them, and makes up/ attributes human personalities to all of them. She has almost no friends. I don't want to be too judgemental of her, but sometimes it scares me a little to the point where I don't know wether she's being quirky or creepy. Sometimes when I'm at her home and she's having entire monologues of what she thinks "the cat thinks" I feel everyone in the house except for the kids (they're not hers), is feeling a bit embarrassed.

There's also cases of people dressing up their animals in clothes and I think this is just downright sick. It's humans attributing human characteristics on animals, and while the dogs may not mind, I always feel a bit sad for them. They're made into sideshow freaks to satisfy people's own ego's/need for attention/ loneliness. Let animals be animals, and respect their nature. An animals greatest gift is to be free of the human mind and be in touch with nature.
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