Human nature


Well-known member
On my ex ex work place i remember a moment while i was sitting on a pause , when one of my female colleagues entered the room & sit on the other side of room. After a while , came male colleague - and the female all in shock-worried began a talk to him (interested-worried) about an older man who had a little stroke; while they were discussing/gossiping they suddenly change their mood and began to laugh madly and after that they salut each other and left the place. i was always hiding in a library when i worked there to avoid EVERYBODY :(

That was the period of time when i also have heard some nonsense lies of some great man that i know , that tragically died. And all those from a persons that he believed to be a close friends of him.

anyone here perhaps selling mini H-bomb or something like that? :twisted:


Well-known member
That's exactly what I despise in other people -- the fact that most of them are two-faced and spiteful. Women especially seem to be like this. I'm not, and I guess that's one reason why I've never fit in or felt I belonged when I'm with other women. For example, I've heard women talk really mean and talk a bunch of shit about one of their "friends" who isn't present at that moment, and then the next time they see that person it's like "Oooohhh, nice to see you *kiss-kiss*." That sort of thing makes me want to puke. Because I know they probably talked a bunch of shit about me, too, when I wasn't there. I'd just rather stay away from people all together because I can't be like that and I can't stand people who are that way (which it seems most of them are).


Well-known member
I totally agree with you foxglove. It is mostly women who are like that and I'm not 2 sure why. Craziness! That's part of the reason that guys are so much easier to befriend & trust compared to girls!