

Well-known member
Does this sound familiar?

Art class
Girl 1: My drawing sucks.
Girl 2: No, yours is great! Mine's terrible.
Girl 1: What are you talking about? I wish mine was as good as yours!
Girl 2: I wish mine was any good at all!

That's the way it goes. It's always like that, at least with my friends and me. Each of us thinks we're terrible artists, or our essays were terrible, or we failed the test, and everyone else disagrees. That's the way it's supposed to be.

Now, you get the person I'm sitting next to in art this year.
Me: I hate this color. I don't like this project.
Her: That's a really bad color. That isn't good at all.

What??? She can't to do that! How am I supposed deal with someone who tells the truth??

:lol: :( :? :?:


Well-known member
Well, at least you don't think you are a failure and not good enough for anything.
I tend to be somewhat skeptical of compliments.
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Well to start with... maybe she isn't telling the truth? It's just her opinion... what seems no good to her may be really good to someone else. Not everyone has the same taste. The big question here is... do you like it? (I know you said you hate it but I think sometimes we do this looking for reassurance from others more than anything... like when I cook something for friends that I think turned out ok I still feel the urge to tell them everythings that could possibly be wrong with the dish when I bring it out and apologise for it in advance... I get a lot of, 'oh no thats ok! It tastes great!' from everyone then). If you like it then leave it as it is... if not then make some changes. Try and trust your own opinions... have a little faith in your own abilities :) Harder said than done I know but it is possible especially with practice.


Well-known member
Yeah, I think it's pretty bad. I'm having a lot of trouble with this project. It's been a year since I had my last art class, a year in which I didn't do any art and suffered from depression. I'm not sure how I got through the other year of art, but I think it was because I had so much energy that year. I just can't do this project well.

I don't know how to handle someone agreeing with me. I mean it. Seriously. I fish for compliments, like you and everyone else. I need someone to tell me that it's good. I feel insecure without that.

I don't know whether I hope it was just this day or I hope she keeps it up and I learn to deal with it.


Maybe it would help talking with your teacher about how you've been feeling and how you've been having trouble with your task... she might be able to make some suggestions if they are needed or give you some form of reassurance? It's tough getting back into school or work after experiancing a bad depression, believe me I know.

I don't really have the answers for you... I don't want to try and play therapist as I'm no expert and am still trying to work through these sorts of issues myself. All I can say is what works for me and thats finding the self confidence to believe that if you like something you are working on or buying or cooking or whatever else then trust your own judgement... everyone has an opinion and not everyone has the same opinions. Just because someone has an opinion of something doesn't always mean they are right!


Well-known member
Helyna said:
Does this sound familiar?

Art class
Girl 1: My drawing sucks.
Girl 2: No, yours is great! Mine's terrible.
Girl 1: What are you talking about? I wish mine was as good as yours!
Girl 2: I wish mine was any good at all!

That's the way it goes. It's always like that, at least with my friends and me. Each of us thinks we're terrible artists, or our essays were terrible, or we failed the test, and everyone else disagrees. That's the way it's supposed to be.

Now, you get the person I'm sitting next to in art this year.
Me: I hate this color. I don't like this project.
Her: That's a really bad color. That isn't good at all.

What??? She can't to do that! How am I supposed deal with someone who tells the truth??

:lol: :( :? :?:

These kinds of conversations happen all the time for me...on various subjects too.

For example, a lot of girls play the "Im so fat!" "No you arent! im so fat!" bugs the hell out of me! Would they like me to tell them that they are fat??? :evil: :evil: :evil: Ugh they basically just want people to tell them that they are beautiful, skinny, and perfect! Ive stopped saying it because im sick of acting like I feel sorry for people because I dont...they know EXACTLY what they are doing.It just irritates the heck out of me...i'd rather have someone tell me the truth even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear.


Well-known member
Who defines truth in topics like this? There are only opinions and interpretations. You can hear thousands of them but you will never hear the truth. Because there is no truth.


Well-known member
Kamen said:
Who defines truth in topics like this? There are only opinions and interpretations. You can hear thousands of them but you will never hear the truth. Because there is no truth.
I meant I would rather have someone tell me their honest opinion instead of lying to me.


Well-known member
hbanana11 said:
Kamen said:
Who defines truth in topics like this? There are only opinions and interpretations. You can hear thousands of them but you will never hear the truth. Because there is no truth.
I meant I would rather have someone tell me their honest opinion instead of lying to me.

You're both very right. I was just uncomfortable because I wasn't used to what my friend did. The truth? Well, we agreed, and it's probably better that she admitted it. Today, she kept giving me good advice. "Stop mixing and start painting!" It got me going a little bit faster.

Maybe it would help talking with your teacher about how you've been feeling and how you've been having trouble with your task... she might be able to make some suggestions if they are needed or give you some form of reassurance? It's tough getting back into school or work after experiancing a bad depression, believe me I know.

Well, the thing is that I'm in an intermediate class, but it's at the same time as the AP class. (Advanced Placement - the people in the class send in pictures of their work and are graded, and if they do well, they could possibly get college credit. AP Art isn't as useful for college as other AP classes.) The problem is that our teacher pays way more attention to the AP students than us, so I'd have trouble talking to her about anything. What may help everything is that I'm going to work during lunch on Monday to try to catch up, so maybe we can talk.


Yeah... and I thought to myself after I wrote that that sometimes it can be quite anxiety provoking approaching a teacher about something like that. I still think it would help if you can do it but if not just look at your work and ask yourself if you like it or not... have a little faith in your own opinion! Good luck with it hey... I am sure you will do better than you think :)