Huge success Secure Wipes/Avert


I've been reading this forum for quite a while, and because of an impending family wedding and the very positive postings of Margiehope, decided to try Secure Wipes and Avert.
I have had full body HH since I was a kid but a few yrs ago facial/cranial sweating started with a bang. I remember thinking 'what the heck is this' as sweat poured down my back, from my head. A very hot day. But it continued into the winter months.
Since then I've tried sleeping with very strong antiperspirants plastered on my face and scalp, not easy for a female with shoulder length hair. After I got some in my eye, very scary and painful, and w/ the wedding I decided to try glyco. was very helpful and told me to try the wipes first as they are more effective on the face. I ordered the 3 mg. Did it wrong the first time. Applied the night before and accidently picked up two pads instead of one. Rubbed them all over my face and scalp. My god, the next day I was dry as a bone, all the way down through my hands, but my throat was unbearably swollen and dry. It lasted about two days. So there is some transdermal effect (to reach the hands).
I've adjusted the time period between applications and ordered some 2%. to use as an adjunct. You can manipulate your usage to fit the events of your day and the temperature.
I've been using them for 2 months now and have a couple of questions for other users.
1. Do you get a very red face about 6 hours after application and what can you do about it?

2. This stuff really dries out your skin and I've had cracked skin on my fingers, knuckles and heels. I'm using a drugstore cracked heel balm and it seems to work. Any other suggestions?

3. I tried taking Avert tablets. They worked for the HH but I got the racing heart and woozy feeling. I seem to have increased anxiety even with the wipes. Anyone else experience this? And what did you do? I think the increased anxiety is the worst side effect.

Would greatly appreciate all suggestions from other users and I'm so grateful to this forum for turning me on to the existance of this stuff. It has changed my life.


Well-known member
I have definitely experienced a red face while using Secure Wipes, or avert. My body in general heats up, and turns red. My only guess is that my body is still trying to release heat and, since it can no longer sweat, it starts to flush. I have not found a way around this annoying side affect.


Well-known member
Hey Rusty!
I'm glad if I helped turn you on to Secure/Avert, even though you've had some drawbacks.

My head sweated so much that the wipes weren't the answer. I haven't had the problem with the racing heart stuff, but I sometimes do have the redness and heating problem.I think tbanner is probably right--we still overheat, just don't sweat. Don't have a great answer for this, though I'm trying to reduce dosage a little and live with SOME sweat!


Hi Margie,
Your posts were the main reseason I went ahead and tried Secure Wipes and Avert, so upbeat and positive.

I think there are remedies for all the side effects; Oasis spray for dry mouth & throat, balms for dry skin and you have to play with the dosage or strength wipe until you get the level where you don't sweat with minimum side effects.
I think I may have overdone the wipes a bit for the wedding. But folks just said "I see you got some sun" instead of "Yuk, you're soaking wet". I do think it's an irritation of the skin and wondered if anyone had tried an OTC hydrocortisone?
Anyway, thanks for your inspiration. This has changed my life.


Well-known member
Probably going to try to order secure pads for this summer, since it's reaching the 90's here and my forehead and face have started pouring. Why does this stuff have to be so damn expensive?