
Alright Gang,

good to be on board:D, wanted to have a look around before i indroduced meself anyways im 23 and from Ireland. i have had this problem with SA for about 6 years now and its got pretty bad at times but now i am starting to come to terms with it and learn to better control it when it does arise. Latley i have had the pleasure of gettin a new internet a wired connection so now i can use torrents ::p: so i was grabbin lots self help and hypnosis audiobooks off them and using them at night while i slept plus i got a subliminal sound recorder i can make my own subliminal messages anyways so i came to see if i can take it one step further and cure it with some support of the users here. i'm tired of feelin like a weirdo and staying inside all the time. My thoughts on this is we bring it on ourself so does it not stand to reason why we cannot rid ourself of it? the mind is a powerful thing make no mistake, its capable of great things and not a computer in the world would ever be anywhere near as powerful as the human mind.

So having said that we bring about these bad and negitive feelings by thought and its bad thoughts that you think that programs your brain to think the way it does in such situations, much like a computer when you command it to do something at a cetain time over and over again its gonna remember that and it gonna happen each time on que. ya see where i'm goin with this?
YOU have the power inside YOU to change this process, dont get me wrong i'm no doctor or nothing like that i'm lettin you know and everyone else that you have the power to change this its all about self belief as far as i think, maybe you dont...fair enough everyone to there own but for me thats how i'm gettin over this, i'm changing those bad thoughts when the come up on me, i reconigze them and i deal with it in my own way. i dont know were this is coming from maybe its all the hours of audiobooks i'm listenin to lol but it feels good to tell people :)

I'm just gettin into the mindset now were i am lookin at people and going to meself what makes them any better then me? then i say with total conviction NOTHING now i dont be eyeballin every single person on the street and screaming out NOTHING!!! hahahaha omg how funny would that look lmao. But in anycase what works for me is self belief knowing that I WILL overcome this one, i tell myself i want my life back i lost at 17 and when i get it back i'll smile the most biggest smile ever and feel my chest swell with pride and accomplishment so help me god one day i will!
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Well-known member
Hello :)

It sounds like you are doing well, and that you have good control over your thoughts. Ive no doubt you will conquer your SA, so good luck to you!

I like the idea of looking and people and telling yourself that they are no better than you. That might actually work for me, if I can get myself to believe it. Gonna give that one a try, so thank you :)
Hello :)

It sounds like you are doing well, and that you have good control over your thoughts. Ive no doubt you will conquer your SA, so good luck to you!

I like the idea of looking and people and telling yourself that they are no better than you. That might actually work for me, if I can get myself to believe it. Gonna give that one a try, so thank you :)

Go for it! YOU can do it and it WILL work :D


Well-known member
That's the spirit. Let us know how it all turns out. (Step by step instructions would be good, thanks) ;)