

im 13 years old and i am really really shy. A few weeks ago i read in a teen article about girl in the exact same situation as me and they said that she might have anxiety. The thing is i get extremly shy if i have to answer a question in class, i start to shake really bad and a bad tummy and i just keep thinking that i am going to muck it up. i always have to have extra time when taking a test because i spend most of the time thinking how am going to fail. whenever i have a speaking test i try to avoid it but my mam wants me to have a good attendance. I also find it really hard to look at people in the eyes i get really uncomfortable. I really want to tell her but everytime i try and say something i keep thinking that im going to just upset her and that i should keep it to myself. i want to tell her because i want to get help. does this sound like social anxiety??

How did you tell your parents?? friends??

any tips?
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Well-known member
it might be social anxiety but then it might be just nerves , dont worry to much but it might be a good idea if you tell your mom how you feel ... she might be able to help you ... moms are great at that kind of stuff :)

Well-known member
Hi. If you feel you really want to tell your Mum about these concerns you should. She'd probably be more upset down the line if she felt that you didn't feel like you could turn to her. She's your Mum and she'll naturally want to help you.

It's hard plucking up the courage to tell people about this kind of thing, but you're young and its important to know that you have support, especially from your family.
thanks im going to tell her tomorrow,,

i have been trying to tell her for weeks but i just get scared.

how do you think i should start it off?


thanks im going to tell her tomorrow,,

i have been trying to tell her for weeks but i just get scared.

how do you think i should start it off?

Coming out of the blue and telling her straight off isn't something that I would do... Maybe when you guys are conversing bout school? Or when she finds out you skipped class, failed test, call from school, etc? Then tell her that what you told us :D

4. ???

5. PROFIT~!!


Staff member
I'm a parent and I'd want my kids to tell me what was up, infact I'd have probably asked them as I'm a worrier.

I didn't need to tell my mum, she knew I was a little different and "shy" as a child, I guess there was no diagnosis of social anxiety back then, even panic attacks were thoguht of as "bad nerves"

There's a big support network there these days and even if your mum does not accept it, you can bypass that and ask your GP for help or even talk to a school councellor