how will things be different in 2007?


Well-known member
2oo7 is coming up. Brand new year, fresh start to live a better, happier life. My question to all, what are you wanting to change in yourself to have a fuller, richer life...what plan or personal goals do you have? I suppose what i am asking is....what things are you unhappy about yourself (low self esteem, loneliness, lack of social life, career improvements, social skills, etc...) and how will you overcome them in 2007?


Well-known member
im not rlly into new yrs resolutions but i just wanna make more friends and be more outgoing and happier. plus in 2007 im getting my lisence, a car, im turning 16 (febuary) and getting a job either at sonic or homeland :) sooo mabye if im not home so much I wont have as much time 2 be misirable! lol oh yay! this is my 100th post!!!!!!!!!! im no longer a newbie :)


I plan to quit my school of old growth and current backdraft,

work and backpack SE Asia.

Return to NZ and study psych.