How to get less anxious!

Imagine yourself doing Grocery Shopping, that's scary isn't it? to face the line and say hi to the cashier and pay the cash, I always feel like shaking.. Handing over the money and I also feel like in a rush waiting in the line. And when people look at me, I feel the tension on my face and my eyes are frightened, so people always wonder what's going on.. And I feel more and more judged and out of space.

I really have to calm down and get aware of my breathing to stay calm, I always breathe through my chest, We might check the breathing if it's alright? I mean, a lot of people feel anxious because of their constant hyperventilation inside the chest, just a suggestion from my experience. I mean 90 % of SA people never threat their physical symptoms while the thoughts might be triggering, but the feeling is so much worse..

I will explain it now:

Because if you are shocked... or scared.. you breathe thru chest,, and if you dont breathe thru chest.. u feel RELAXED.. and if you know how to RELAX.. like that ALL TIME.. you can take the feeling of anxiety away.. only thoughts not.. lol

I just went to a breathing coach yesterday, for curing hyperventilation.. (AFHH they are called , i bet they have organisations in other countries too:)))
It's for

and Panic attacks

so it all releases this !!

Just wanted to share, i mean my coach just told me I will become a WHOLE LOTTA different person in a few weeks already.. Just started yesterday.. I'm so curious what I'll be like !! :) hope I will be cured... Well atleast, that the feeling of anxiety goes away... or be SO MUCH LESS..:)