New member
Yeah ok I apoligize, you post your details you get accused of spamming, you don't and you get accused of spamming and being someone else. I am Dr Andrew Dobson (PhD) from Mindfit Hypnosis. And as I mentioned there are PLENTY of psychological studies showing the effectiveness of Social Phobia treatments. David D I would imagine has better things to do than seek out websites on Social Phobias when his product is seduction. But I guess in order to protect your big conspiracy theory than the world is out to get you rather than offer help.
Things like EFT have no evidence other than heresay, so make up your mind, either people commenting with heresay saying they found things useful is ok or it is not. If it is Ok then what is wrong with saying look this approach works, and it has been shown to work in a clinical setting. Which means NO other factors played a part! Unless it is only Ok if it is free?
As for Knuckleflash, I said that he was not me posting on a site for sales. I did however say go to google look up a pyschology abstract site and check it out. But you know it is up to you, look for demonstrated systems that work or bitch about how people who have found them must be trying to sell you something. Personally I have no belief in 'Spiritual woo woo shit' so I have no problems charging money for skills I have that will help with issues others have. Hell i got to pay my mechanic $80 an hour to fix my car so why would I feel bad about charging $13 to help someone with social phobia or other psychological issues? Just because something is free or thousands of years old does not make it good, I find it remarkable that people trust their health to this delusional belief but still have the latest cell phone and computer and trust science and research when it benefits them.
Things like EFT have no evidence other than heresay, so make up your mind, either people commenting with heresay saying they found things useful is ok or it is not. If it is Ok then what is wrong with saying look this approach works, and it has been shown to work in a clinical setting. Which means NO other factors played a part! Unless it is only Ok if it is free?
As for Knuckleflash, I said that he was not me posting on a site for sales. I did however say go to google look up a pyschology abstract site and check it out. But you know it is up to you, look for demonstrated systems that work or bitch about how people who have found them must be trying to sell you something. Personally I have no belief in 'Spiritual woo woo shit' so I have no problems charging money for skills I have that will help with issues others have. Hell i got to pay my mechanic $80 an hour to fix my car so why would I feel bad about charging $13 to help someone with social phobia or other psychological issues? Just because something is free or thousands of years old does not make it good, I find it remarkable that people trust their health to this delusional belief but still have the latest cell phone and computer and trust science and research when it benefits them.