How to cure Social Phobia, permanently


New member
Yeah ok I apoligize, you post your details you get accused of spamming, you don't and you get accused of spamming and being someone else. I am Dr Andrew Dobson (PhD) from Mindfit Hypnosis. And as I mentioned there are PLENTY of psychological studies showing the effectiveness of Social Phobia treatments. David D I would imagine has better things to do than seek out websites on Social Phobias when his product is seduction. But I guess in order to protect your big conspiracy theory than the world is out to get you rather than offer help.

Things like EFT have no evidence other than heresay, so make up your mind, either people commenting with heresay saying they found things useful is ok or it is not. If it is Ok then what is wrong with saying look this approach works, and it has been shown to work in a clinical setting. Which means NO other factors played a part! Unless it is only Ok if it is free?

As for Knuckleflash, I said that he was not me posting on a site for sales. I did however say go to google look up a pyschology abstract site and check it out. But you know it is up to you, look for demonstrated systems that work or bitch about how people who have found them must be trying to sell you something. Personally I have no belief in 'Spiritual woo woo shit' so I have no problems charging money for skills I have that will help with issues others have. Hell i got to pay my mechanic $80 an hour to fix my car so why would I feel bad about charging $13 to help someone with social phobia or other psychological issues? Just because something is free or thousands of years old does not make it good, I find it remarkable that people trust their health to this delusional belief but still have the latest cell phone and computer and trust science and research when it benefits them.


For being a doctor I really think you should be more understanding of people's skepticism. I believe you when you say that you have no relation to D'Angelo and are not trying to make money, but you have to be aware that people here have a rational reason to be skeptical. For most of us, we've had anxiety issues for as long as we can remember; we've tried every cure and method in the book for little results.

Of course we want help, and most of us are willing to give anything a shot. But once you try 5 or 6 things that are "guaranteed to free you from social anxiety" and they all fail, you naturally become skeptical.

So give us a break - you're a doctor! Calm it and try offering a calm and collected response next time.


The doctor seems ok- lighten up peeps.

I don't see him as being too harsh. Like he said, nuckleflash isn't making any money - he's just offering to HELP. I understand that people try to market stuff by going to forums- so yes, be skeptical...BUT don't be so skeptical that you bash a guy and don't try thier advice!
This guy says he saw the google hits and looked up the forum- if you have ever sold good helpful products, you do this sort of market research.
I say we all read the advice and look into it- before we bash these guys who seem like they are just trying to help us...wadda ya say we call a truce here people :)


Active member
BUMP that. I would like to know the difference between NLP and CBT as well.

Which method has been proven to work better for social phobia?


New member
Quetzalcoatl; I'm not trying to sell anything here. I just figured that someone with SA might benefit from my story. So I did a google search and found this forum. I'm probably never going to post here again. If I've helped one person with my post I'm happy. All the best to you.


Active member
Knuckleflash, i think some of the replies you got wer'e rather harsh! I can see where your coming from, you wer'e only trying to help. I'ts people taking the piss which would offend me, but clearly you're just offering some advice. I'm glad that you've been helped, and i hope your not put off writing here again!
The "Harsh Comments" are more like "Honest" comments. Who honestly believes that BS ..! Its pathetic and it annoys the helloutof me. Anxiety is VERY complicated !. . You cant simply solve it by meditating and working out. SA is tied deep within our thought patterns and personality. In my opinion, the best way to overcome it, or even come close depending on how bad it is, is to first, try to get your hands on a good rated med for SA.. Something that will calm your brain down when your in the social setting. I think meds help cuz theyhelp you calm down and feel a sense of security. If you find a med, or found some technique to help with the physicalsymptoms, work on exposing yourself. I think this is the hardest part because most peoplewith SA feel like they'll imbaress themselves or have a panic attack. The key is to expose yourself enough times to the point where you eventually start to see things as most positive people do. Most people live off of positive actions, or "upbeat" personalities. Whenyou start to connect with howmost people feel and view themselves, and others, you'll have a very comforting feeling because you know that things are the COMPLETE opposite in alot of cases that you previously thought. Its deff not something easy to get over, but if you can somehow, try to figure out that social phobia is connected with how we percieve things, you'll be amazed with how ya feel. Its wierd because people who dont worry about being shy, arent shy. And people who judge themselves in a negative way in every action and word they speak, makes them focus MAINLY on how other people see them. I know when i had it i would always be thinking about it and dwelling on things i did or was going to do. Try to gradually change your thought patterns. Eventually, you'll start to see how the world really is, and you'll feel more safe in your ownskin. When your absorbed in reality, you'll find yourself trying to get to know people, and making up for all the time you lost. But thats if your commited. Dont get me wrong, alot of people prbly have more complicated forms of it than i did, but If i got over it i think almost anyone can. I felt desperate , but the truth is, most of it is in the way we percieve things. Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections. The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open. i hope i helped GL
shield said:
Well done. NLP I found didn't work 4 me I would have to say the no. 1 most effective way for me without parallel was exposure therapy which is a behavioural therapy. Ironically its also the hardest method. if you're still in stockholm we should go for a workout sometime and do sum sets in a bar :wink:

Shield how did you know that it didn't work for you? Did you even try it?

You know people, I really think that this might be the answer that we're all looking for. I've heard of some people who used this method or I think CBT and actually worked, like this guy for example:

I totally agree in what Knuckleflash said about that we were not born with S.A.D. and it's our past/society that made us like this. I know that myself because I had a bitter past as well.

Knuckleflash which session is the best to get? I'm really willing to try this NLP and I think that it will help me.

In case you still check the forums, please reply...


Well-known member
Honestly, guys, you should check out Neil Strauss' book "The Game".
The whole 'dating guru' scene isn't nearly as phoney/cheesy as it comes off. Depending on who you look at. And I think that it's way more pervasive than just being ways to get dates with female. It really has nothing to do with that at it's core.

David Deangelo, Ross Jeffries, Sean Stephenson, Mystery, and Neil Strauss of course... all these guys in my honest opinion offer some really valuable information on how to meet not just females but -people-, and get over your own fear and anxiety.

You do however have to take it all with a grain of salt, and use your imagination a bit, but it's still very useful.

NLP is an interesting thing and i'm actually just starting to do my homework on it. However, i'm not sure how it is in a therapeutical sense, compared to say CBT.


Well-known member
Alright, I have bought many of David Deangelo's products a few years ago.

His e-book was awesome. His first DVD set was also great. After that, it was pure repackaged material from his ebook and first DVD.

Don't fall into David D's trap of making you keep buying his products, he's a really crafty guy, especially in making it seem like he's offering something new with his next product.

To cut it short, the best stuff from his ebook and DVD's were the re-framing of negative thoughts and events in your life.

For example, when you have those "I can't do it, it'll make nervous" thought, replace it with "what can I DO to MAKE it less nervous" or "what is it that I'm afraid of and HOW can I take of the problem, if there even is one".

So you replace "I can't do it" thoughts with "I can do it if I prepare myself properly" thoughts.

Same goes for negative events in life. Try to get as much value from your negative events in life. For example, if you got nervous in front of an audience, don't discredit the event as useless. Reframe it; tell yourself that it was an experience that made you stronger because you felt the worst and now you aren't afraid of it.

It makes you treat life like practicing an instrument or learning a new language. At first you'll probably suck, but that's expected; you'll get better as you maintain your practice.

I've also read from other dating "gurus" and the best advice came down to you being accepting of your weak points in life but to try and keep improving yourself at the same time; being yourself, and not taking shit from anyone, no one at all.

The minute you take shit from someone, it causes them to think they can do it again.

A lot of the info the dating gurus provide is actually common sense. Like it's been mentioned, working out, going out more often, is tedious but eventually will make you overcome a lot. It's been 2 years since I started doing all that and I'm still a work in progress, but it's progress nonetheless. There is nobody who will achieve everything they want in life. We all have problems of one sort or another.


dont talk bad about EFT. It is helpin me so much, Just today for the first time i could walk on a busy street in the city like its nothin, like i was doin it for years. EFT is magic if you do it right. I was doin it for 2 months the wrong way. Always just addressin my anxiety and anxiety. I was way to general. Now iam doin it right and addressing all those thoughts and pictures that come up before i go into a feared situation and then i just dont fear it anymore at all. its magic. Its only a matter of time before i will be healed. My family thinks iam takin some illegal drugs because i changed so much.

What iam most happy about is i can sit down in my bad and read a book or go to bed and sleep now without gettin those sensations in my head or tensions like iam gonna freak out. And my crazy starin eye problem is almost gone too

Iam not advertising EFT btw lol, iam just tryin to add what is helpin me. I threw away my chill pills about a month ago and its only EFT now. I was doin CBT for a year but was really really hard facin your fears, EFT is so much easier and less painfull.

I know EFT sounds like some mambo jumbo shit, i was always open to anything that could heal me from this social phobia but when i heard about EFT i was like "fuck no" I dont have time to play games lol, i started lookin at it seriously thou when wherever i went online i saw EFT being mentioned and supposedly workin fast and read about what the tapping is supposed to do. So yeah i understand all your skepticism. I was the same.



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