how to be on a date


Hi guys javascript:emoticon('8)')

i was in a friend birthday party and he told me before the party that he want to hook me with some girl.
i was at the party and i felt really good with myself (I'm treating myself), i talked with the girl and with other people at the party and felt really good about myself.
the party was at a restaurant, so i basically sat with the girl the whole evening, all the people sat at circle by the table and i sat near the girl.
the girl knew it's a hook up, and we talked the whole evening.
this is the first time im on a "date" with a girl.

i was really positive and felt great, i was funny and talkative and nothing scared me and im really proud about myself that i succeeded in being like that :)
but there something i noticed from this experience, i don't know how to lead to the next level.
i just talked to her the whole evening like she is one of my friends and didn't know how to pull this to sexual way or to romantic way, how to be more sexual (i hope you know what i mean).

at the end of the night i didn't know what to do, we just stood and looked at each other, so i decided i need to take the step and i just told her it was nice talking to her, gave her a hug and we switched phone numbers.

does someone here experience this before and know how to overcome this? 8) 8)


Well-known member
That sounds about right for a "first date"... I don't think anything else needed to be done or SHOULD have been done.

If you like her, call her. That's the next step.

Good luck.


Well-known member
Ask her out and make sure to smooch her...or at least escalate to holding hands or something


Well-known member
I have always wondered what one should talk about when after getting a girl's number. I have little to talk about to people in general. (O,o)


thank you for the advice Thelema and edith, i tought about this, i didnt call her eventually because i wasn't really interested in her...and this might be the reason why i didn't initiate anything...
i hope to get more practice in dating and with time i will get better at this, for now i am quit proud about my behavior with her, i was in control, i made her laugh, teased her, and controlled the conversation.