How Severe is Your HH?? and Treatment


Mild, it only affects my hands. They sweat a lot sometimes, mostly when I'm anxious. Really annoying when you're trying to play video games or shake hands in interviews.


Well-known member
Severe. I'd say a 10, since it's on my:

hands, feet, armpits, face + facial blushing, not to mention my trunk as well as lower body sweat (yesterday sweat started dripping inside my butt). So, you can pretty much look at me and thank god that you have it very easy compared to people like me, it's manageable, you can live with it, I can't. Simple things like just attending a class are a nightmare.

Heat sets it off, anxiety sets it off, and boy do being around girls set it the hell off. Yeah, I'm 25 now. I sit at home all day. I cry at times. I'm what you'd call a 100% loser.
My HH is probably between a 7-8 on the scale. My hands do not drip, but sometimes they do get so wet that they shine with moisture. I've noticed that they get really sweaty when I'm nervous or anxious about something. Monday of this week I went to a place where there were a lot of people I didn't know, went by myself. I looked at my hands and they were soaked, not dripping wet. I could see beads of sweat on my palms, finger tips, and just above my thumb nails. This then caused me more anxiety about it and I was dreading the fact that I might have to shake hands with somone.

My hands seem to bother me more in the winter time. I live in Florida and it's hot here most of the year. However, in the winter we get down to freezing temps. and this seems to make it worse. They do not sweat at night, and they're dry when I wake up in the morning. Once I start thinking of stuff I need to do, they begin the sweating cycle. I think the trigger for me is anxiety and worrying.


i'm at a 10. i have general hh. Any kind of action or movement sets it off. also, any kind of emotion( nervous, excited,happy,etc). sitting down doing nothing with have me sweat on my hands ,feet,armpits genital area, and alittle on the face. any thing other than being at rest i would have to deal with my whole back wet ,stomach and chest, shoulders, airpit dripping down my sides and inner arm and butt. this happens regardless of weather. just in the cold i'll get frost bite in my feet because they stay wet.


no , i'm using sweat stop and odaban for my underarms and they are not working for me. brought some grey tees and the sweat showed really bad. i still drip down my arms from my armpit if my shirt is loose. if tight, my shirt will soak it up. its like my body thinks its a matter of life and death if i don't sweat regardless if i need to or not. one time i saw tiny dots/beads of sweat on the back of my fingers. i didn't know i could sweat from there.


Well-known member
u know i did iontophoresis for my hands and was persistent with it, and it decreased most of my sweatign elsewhere! It's all connected. My armpits don't sweat as much, my feet sweat little, and I mostly sweat from my trunk and face, which can be managed, especially if I take anxiety meds/drink a little bit of alcohol. See, even what seems to be the worst of cases have a bit of solution to them.


Active member
My HH is probably between a 7-8 on the scale. My hands do not drip, but sometimes they do get so wet that they shine with moisture. I've noticed that they get really sweaty when I'm nervous or anxious about something. Monday of this week I went to a place where there were a lot of people I didn't know, went by myself. I looked at my hands and they were soaked, not dripping wet. I could see beads of sweat on my palms, finger tips, and just above my thumb nails. This then caused me more anxiety about it and I was dreading the fact that I might have to shake hands with somone.

My hands seem to bother me more in the winter time. I live in Florida and it's hot here most of the year. However, in the winter we get down to freezing temps. and this seems to make it worse. They do not sweat at night, and they're dry when I wake up in the morning. Once I start thinking of stuff I need to do, they begin the sweating cycle. I think the trigger for me is anxiety and worrying.

Wow, that describes my exact situation perfectly. My hands are pretty bad, and something like being in a room with people I didn't know would make me anxious and lead to alot more sweating. I also do find when I get up, my hands are dry and stay dry until I begin my daily routines.


Well-known member
I'm a 10. Sounds like I share similar symptoms to Rexus.

Avert sort of works for me. Sometimes the side effects really suck - feeling dizzy, dry eyes and mouth etc., but it's worth it.


u know i did iontophoresis for my hands and was persistent with it, and it decreased most of my sweatign elsewhere! It's all connected. My armpits don't sweat as much, my feet sweat little, and I mostly sweat from my trunk and face, which can be managed, especially if I take anxiety meds/drink a little bit of alcohol. See, even what seems to be the worst of cases have a bit of solution to them.

I'm not on any meds but i definitely need to take a look in to anxiety medication . iontophoresis i never did because i don't really care a bout my hands and feet. its just my face man. imagine standing outside in freezing weather with clothes soaked with sweat ,sweat dripping from the face and smoke coming from your head. thats me and everyone around me is normal and complaining about its cold. i never thought me, a young athletic guy would be reduced down to take any type of medication every day.


Well-known member
I'd say I used to be an 8--cranio-facial HH with soaking wet hair, dripping face, etc. I'm well-controlled on Avert. For me, the side effect is mostly dry mouth, and not always that. Worth it when I think back.


Well-known member
I'd say a 9-10. Brace yourself for a longish post. I've bitched about my problem here for years, and come back to vent about it occasionally :)

I've had palmar HH since I've been 10 y.o. I am 32 now, and my HH has spread to my entire body. Different parts of my body are affected at different times. I'd say my hands and feet sweat around 95% of the day. There some very odd times when they don't sweat. For example, occasionally, after eating it will stop, but I have no idea why. They also aren't sweating when I wake up early. If I wake up late, they will already be sweating. I guess this happens because my nervous system has already begun to kick in. There are times when I am 100% guaranteed to be sweating on my hands and feet (any emotional arousal, heat and, the absolute worst, humidity).

My hands have gotten significantly worse over the years. When they are sweaty, at their worst, they have puddles on them (they don't drip). They are also always freezing/clammy. The sweating cuts off at just above my wrist, but my forearms will also sweat in heat or anxious situations. My feet are almost always glossy with sweat, and are always cold and clammy. At their worst, they will gather beads of sweat (this will happen after a shower, in humidity, or with anxiety)

My trunk and back will be cold, clammy, with a layer of sweat, depending on the situation. Anxiety or embarrassment makes these areas sweat 100% of the time. Also heat (e.g., being outside in temps above 60 degrees for more then 10 minutes, being in a heated house during the winter, etc.). Humidity; however, is the worst culprit. These areas will also sweat at random times regardless of any variable.

Finally, my forehead and face sweat, but only in response to heat or anxiety. They will be glossy, or beads will develop.

Basically, I fell like my body is coming off of heroin much of the day: constantly sweaty, and alternatively hot and clammy. It blows because, as this condition has worsened, it has restricted me from doing things that I used to take for granted (e.g., it literally takes about 2 hours for my body to cool down after exercise, I hate the spring and summer, I can't stand being touched anymore, etc.). Not to belittle other people's problems with HH when it is restricted to one area, but I would give my eye teeth to go back to having only palmar HH.

I have tried countless medications with varying success (see previous posts). In the end, non have been practical or have had bad side affects (mostly because I have to keep increasing the dosage). The only thing I use now is xanax and, paradoxically, Vyvanse (a stimulant that makes the sweating slightly worse, but helps with anxiety and depression. This takes my mind off the sweating, if only for a short while). Ultimately, I am waiting for a miracle cure, which I don't expect any time soon. I have be cursed with the worst sympathetic nervous system of all time :rolleyes:
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Well-known member
tbanner, mine is worse don't worry

I have facial swetaing/blushing, my ears burn, palmar/plantar hyperhidrosis, my trunk/chest/back sweat like hell, and my armpits drip. I am really considering surgery. I think you should consider it too. We are very desperate.


Well-known member
Not to mention I have a very debilitated personality, I am trying to go off anxiety meds but I just can't.


Well-known member
Tbanner523 i also noticed that i'll stop sweating for a little bit after eating. I wonder why :/?


Active member
I'm around an 8. My hands get to the point of dripping occasionally, but they also sometimes stop sweating when I'm relaxed and at home. But I had to wear gloves for square dancing at school - that was fun. And I struggle with rock climbing because I can't grip the rocks very well.
My feet are usually sweaty, but it doesn't matter in the winter when I always wear socks. I have some problems with flip-flops though.
I heard someone talking about how she wore such warm boots that her feet "were practically sweating!" Oh, you silly child. You have no idea.

Huh. My hands stop sweating after meals too. During lunch is the only time my hands don't sweat at school.

JturfSweats said:
They do not sweat at night, and they're dry when I wake up in the morning.
You're not supposed to sweat at night. It could be a symptom of a different disease.


Mine is also 10. I have general HH. My triggers are movement, anxiety about anything, or even excitement. My best treatment is my mind. I plan my activities well to hide my HH. I also calm myself to prevent anxiety and excitement. My doctor is useless with HH, so used to only used drysol that i got online. However drysol did not work for me, so i stoped using it.

HH Assassin

Active member
Hi. I'm new here. First time posting.
Anyways, I'd say I'm around a 7. I have excessive sweating in my hands, feet and underarms. If I'm moving about I can sweat pretty badly in my face, too, but it's usually not rolling down my face; it's more like beads.

Anyways, I tried using Drysol many years ago but it didn't seem to work. Honestly I wasn't patient or consistent enough to come to a definite conclusion about it.
I tried topical stuff like Maxim and one other one I can't think of right now (it was years ago) and they didn't seem to work too well either. Maxim would sometimes irritate my hands so much with this tight feeling and in the end it seemed to aggravate the sweating in my hands more. It was a decent choice for my underarms though.
The last thing I tried that worked pretty well was Robinul. I started by taking a pill three times a day, then twice a day then finally once a day. It was pretty consistent, not 100% but overall pretty reliable. I didn't like that it seemed to dry out everything to the point where I could go a while without using the bathroom. I had some trouble with blurry vision here and there, too, but nothing serious.

In the end, I didn't have insurance and couldn't go back to the doctor's for another prescription of Robinul. I also felt uncomfortable ingesting something that would upset the natural order of stuff in my body. Since then I've basically gone several years without any treatment of any kind, just dealing with it. I am a positive person and I tend to count my blessings. Humiliation still rears its ugly head here and there but I try to focus on other things.


I'd say about a 5 myself, although irriatatingly about a 9 for plantar sweating. Sweat patches on clothes are no problem, even on hands is only mildyl embarassing and can be covered with relative ease. I've said it before and I'll say it again - if you have palmar or armpit sweating, feel very very lucky. The gentle reek of foot perspeiration is enough to drive me insane. Can't do half the things I want. Man, a life not having to even vaguely worry about this **** would be so amazing....