How old is too old to be living with you parents?

Is it ok for a 20 year old to still be living with his parents? I really feel pathethic and worthless as most of my friends are already out of their nest in their teens, and it does affect your chances of dating another woman because they see moving out as a good sign of independence, maturity, and that you can stand on your own two feet. Though i am working on moving out before I am 22 years old.

Am i a loser for being a legal adult and still living with my parents?

I Would greatly appreciate some feedback.

Thank you


Active member
Hey there Lonely! if it'll make you feel any better, Im 24 and still live with my parents. And I plan to live with them until I get married, so I don't know.. I might have to live with them for the rest of my life. :eek: Yeah, I know it's embarrassing.


Active member
LonelyLoser said:
Is it ok for a 20 year old to still be living with his parents? I really feel pathethic and worthless as most of my friends are already out of their nest in their teens, and it does affect your chances of dating another woman because they see moving out as a good sign of independence, maturity, and that you can stand on your own two feet. Though i am working on moving out before I am 22 years old.

Am i a loser for being a legal adult and still living with my parents?

I Would greatly appreciate some feedback.

Thank you
No, not at all.

Both my sisters stayed into their 20's at my parents house. One until she was 22, the other moved out at 23.


It depends if you goto university or pay rent. If you do not pay rent or goto school, you should be out the door at 18. If you are paying rent then you can stay at your folks as long as you want. If you are at post secondary school, once you complete your degree, you should move out.

Some people would disagree, but I think kicking a son/daughter out is the best thing for them, since they will have to fend for themselves eventually, and it is better to learn how to survive at an early age. I moved out at 18. It really helped with my social anxiety because I was forced into social situations by working. I had to deal with them, or become homeless, and I delt with them.

Parents should do whats best for the children, and I think this is the best way of dealing with moving out of the nest.
The thing that is setting me back from moving out anytime sooner is that I have been unemployed for a few weeks now due to anxiety and depression. And my anti depressants are killing me, its just making me more lazier, depressed and all I want to do is sleep.


Well-known member
its fine in my opinion. if you cant afford to move out or you just feel comfy at home, then stay. i dont think it matters if you have a job or not. you should get a job though if your parents want you to get one. and most probably would be naggin you to get one if you already didnt have one. but whatever. i say do whatever you want to do. its your life right?


Well-known member
I still live at is it that I could possibly survive on my own with SP anway?? :?


Well-known member
I think it's fine. I have friends who don't have social anxiety but they still live with their parents. I still live with my parents and I'm 24. There's social anxiety telling you not to move out of your safe home, but there's also the whole money issue. The prices for homes in Australia just keep going up =( =(


Active member
Ha! 20? You're no where near old enough to be considered too old to live with your parents.
You're fine, by 30-32 you should have moved out or at least made some plans.

You really should be using this time to save up some cash, seeing as if you move out you'll have to start paying bills.
Your friends who have moved out are probably renting, meaning that it would take much longer to save for a proper house/apartment than yourself.


Well-known member
I don't really think age makes any differance, as long as your parents don't mind and you're making some sort of contribution. Who is anyone else to give you some arbitary point where you have to leave.


Well-known member
LonelyLoser said:
Am i a loser for being a legal adult and still living with my parents?

Not at all.

I still live with one of my parents and I don't see that changing in the foreseeable future as I'm currently unemployed. When I do get a job, I still won't be able to get my own place as the house places in the UK are bad.


Well-known member
It depends on your situation. In the more developed countries it is common to go at 18 but in others countries (nonwestern countries) its not uncommon to have 2 or 3 generations living together in harmony.

I dont think you should move out just because you see others doing it cause they might have other reasons why they had to leave the nest.

Also now that the housing boom has went to bust you'll see how that changes the whole picture.

I suggest you stay but start raising some cash for a raing day. Now is the time for you to make your money grow since you wont have any expense.


Well-known member
It depends on your situation. In the more developed countries it is common to go at 18 but in others countries (nonwestern countries) its not uncommon to have 2 or 3 generations living together in harmony.

I dont think you should move out just because you see others doing it cause they might have other reasons why they had to leave the nest.

Also now that the housing boom has went to bust you'll see how that changes the whole picture.

I suggest you stay but start raising some cash for a raing day. Now is the time for you to make your money grow since you wont have any expense.


Well-known member
Hey I'm 22 soon to be 23 and I still live with mine and I know how you feel the people I know all moved out and have jobs and most have families of their own now and I some times feel ashamed of my life that I haven't done what they have, but hey they haven't had to deal with what I'm going through and I've come along way from where I was.
A couple of quotes that I like and have helped me are: I do the best I can given my circumstances. And I do what is appropriate for me, at this time. try to remember that and I hope they help.