Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.
The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it.
Refuse shingles for roof and sides: $4.00
Laths: $1.25
Two second-hand windows with glass: $2.43
One thousand old brick: $4.00
Two casts of lime: $2.40. That was high.
Hair: $0.31. More than I needed
Mantle-tree iron: $0.15
Nails: $3.90
Hinges and screws: $0.14
Latch: $0.10
Chalk: $0.01
Transportation: $1.40. I carried a good part on my back.
In all: $28.12 1/2
These are all the material excepting the timber, stones and sand, which I claimed by squatter's right.