How many of you suffer from facial blushing as well?


Well-known member
I just noticed one of the sub forums is for facial blushing. Is there some common link between the two, or is it simply that both HH and facial blushing come under the banner of "social phobia"? I'd be interested if there is some correlation.

Well anyway, I've always been easily prone to facial blushing, but it's never been a major concern to me like HH.


Well-known member
I used to suffer from facial blushing terribly. I'm naturally very pale so I considered it a blessin in disguise :oops:


Well-known member
I've suffered from facial blushing since I can remember-probably since primary school although its really bad now. I started suffering from HH about a year and a half ago under my arms and since october on my hands 9I use a electric zapping machine to keep it under control). I think quite a few people who suffer from facial blushing also suffer from HH. I think there part of the nervous system or something.


Well-known member
I suffer from blushing but not hh. I was always shy but I think the blushing actually caused me to become a complete social phobic. Almost everything I avoid is because of the blushing rather than the shyness.

I think there is a link between hh and blushing because its something like an over-active sympathetic nervous system. I'm so thankful that I don't have both and feel awful for people that do because one out of the 2 is enough. It's sad that people don't always realise how humiliating it is to suffer from these, as well as social phobia as a whole.


I suffer from both; if I walk the smallest of disances I blush over my face and chest and also sometimes when I'm anxious.

I imagine there must be some sort of link between the two...


Well-known member
ive SP & blushing problem and i do sweat when my panic about blushing gets bad but i dont have HH but i think if u have one of them & dont have it treated it'll most likely turn into 2 or more


Well-known member
Thanks for your responses. There's many things I don't understand about HH and how it relates to other problems.

Something I've noticed is that when I perspire heavily I also exert a lot of body heat from that area. By the same token when I take medication for HH those same areas don't exert as much heat.


Well-known member
"Facial Blushing" means a number of very different things. I´ve suffered from HH as long as I can remember (I´m 52) but only 1 1/2 years ago had the diagnostic of Rosacea as well.