Volunteering is actually an excellent thing to consider. Sure, it doesn't earn you any money as a regular job would, but it really does help in giving you a foothold on controlling / overcoming your SP. Think of volunteering as a first step... and after feeling stable, you can take the next step by getting a paying job. In fact, many places that have volunteers sometimes hire them to become full-time paid staff members after a while.
If anything, a great place to volunteer your time is at a local animal shelter. There's something about animals that helps us be calm, affectionate, friendly and so forth. That gentle nature sort of spreads, and we end up learning to cope better around our co-workers and the visitors who frequent the shelter. The next thing you know, you've kinda overcome your phobia, or at least to the point where you feel a little more at ease around people. It's a small step, but definitely a small accomplishment to be proud of. Look in to it and give it a try.
As the great singer / songwriter Bob Dylan once said... "When you ain't got nothing, you've got nothing to lose." :wink: