How long have you felt shy?


Active member
I am so glad to have found this site. I have suffered from social anxiety and shyness since the day i can remember anything. I must have been born with some type of depressive problem because I cried every day when i was little and was afraid of everyone but my family. I talked to almost no one forever. As I grew up i remained shy and depressed and have never come out of it. I am married with two kids and sometimes just wonder how to keep going. Was wondering if anyone had the similar experience. Bashfulgirl


Well-known member
Hey Bashfulgirl,

Welcome to SPW.

I 've been shy as long as I can remember. But the first time I remember being really afraid in front of people was grade 7. For some reason (my parents lol) I was running for student counsel HA! I had to make a speech in front of the two seventh grade classes. Let's just say it didn't go to well and long story short I wasn't elected lol. I guess it wasn't that bad. And my classmates, for the most part, were cool-or didn't care. But I think that's around the time I started really dwelling on my actions in public.



Well-known member
bashfulgirl said:
I am so glad to have found this site. I have suffered from social anxiety and shyness since the day i can remember anything. I must have been born with some type of depressive problem because I cried every day when i was little and was afraid of everyone but my family. I talked to almost no one forever. As I grew up i remained shy and depressed and have never come out of it. I am married with two kids and sometimes just wonder how to keep going. Was wondering if anyone had the similar experience. Bashfulgirl

Hello there, and welcome :)

I was born this way too, playgroup was traumatic for me and although it was blatantly obvious that I had a major problem, no one bothered to get my any help, and so the problem continued until my shyness developed into severe S.A.

Hope you like the forum.


Well-known member
Welcome to the forum bashfulgirl :)

My advice is to try meds or CBT, if you haven't done that allready. Also, be greatfull that someone cares for you, your husband and that your SP allowed you to establish a family. :)

I know that living with SP and depression isn't good cause I experince it every day, but I'm looking forward with horror to having my own family some day and that seems imposible cause I can't even talk to well to a girl, not to mention flirt with her or invite her out...

SaharaWorld said:
I was born this way too, playgroup was traumatic for me and although it was blatantly obvious that I had a major problem, no one bothered to get my any help, and so the problem continued until my shyness developed into severe S.A.

Same here :?


Well-known member
bashfulgirl said:
I am so glad to have found this site. I have suffered from social anxiety and shyness since the day i can remember anything. I must have been born with some type of depressive problem because I cried every day when i was little and was afraid of everyone but my family. I talked to almost no one forever. As I grew up i remained shy and depressed and have never come out of it. I am married with two kids and sometimes just wonder how to keep going. Was wondering if anyone had the similar experience. Bashfulgirl

Hi there, and welcome!

I've also been shy all my life. I wouldn't say I was depressive, but I've always been scared of strangers. I used to hate it when relatives visited, or we visited them. I'm 33 now and I'm still scared of strangers.

At least you're married and have a family, a lot of us don't even have that.


Well-known member
Same with most,i have allways been shy,going through school just made it alot worse,now im older i talk abit more to people i dont know(like when i have to goto my dads garage)but still shy.


Well-known member
hmm. I think I was born shy..but alot of things in my life probably affected me too. I used to be really bad..I'd like completely isolate my self. hide away in corners in grade school, try not to be on the play ground at the same time as the other kids. I always watched the boys chase the girls from a safe distance. I'v always been on the outside..maybe thats just my lot in life..