How does sprituality affect you???


I am not a religious or spiritual person. But I would like to know how many of you out there found that spirituality has helped them in dealing with SA or in any other aspect of your life?????


Well-known member
It has for me. I am spiritually open minded(i can't really be put into a box and labeled) and find that believing in something of a spiritual nature gives my life meaning and helps me in my darkest times. Plus, there have been moments in my life where i could not explain it away with logic.. so i kinda have to believe but i certainly do not push it on anyone else..


Well-known member
I pretty much agree with emerald, except that I don't believe anything.... believing is silly. I am spiritual I would say, but in an open minded manner like emerald. And yes, it helps me tons with my SA.


Well-known member
yea i talk to god sometimes ... but hes never answered me yet ? is he ignoring me :confused: but joking apart having faith is a good thing ... nothing wrong with that , they do say he helps you without you knowing it ... dunno how that works ... but my problems are small in comparison to others , so maybes hes busy helping them who knows ;)
I personally romanticize allot of things, and I also like to stay unbiased on things that haven't been disproven yet, I'm not sure whether that's the same as being spiritual. But I find it helpful.. :3

Whenever human nature ticks me off and makes me feel anxious or afraid (often society related) I just think about the wonders in this world and universe that don't involve humans at all. It tends to calm me down, because it emphasizes how truly trivial our ways and rules are. ~WO


Well-known member
I'm not religious, that is to say that I don't subscribe to any formal or imformal religion whatsoever. However, I am in awe of the universe. To me, what exists, and can be obseverable, directly or indirectly, is enough. Christ, look at any phenomenon in nature, then understand it on a scientific level. I find that the more you know about a particular phenomenon, the more you can appreciate how wonderful it truely is. And, you don't have to invoke a deity to understand a given phenomenon.


Well-known member
I lost my faith after High School. I was an atheist for many years, but I always felt like something was missing. I researched about different types of religions and met up with several people and asked many questions about their church. None seem to fit. So I decided to take everything I had learned from all these different religions and sort of create my own. I'm more open minded now. I believe in Karma and that life doesn't end with this one.

This is the main reason I haven't given up yet. If I were to end my life too soon, I believe I'd be sent back to finish what I left unfinished. There's no way I'm going through this again. ::p:


Well-known member
Karma, I've learned from experience. I've had many people do mean things to me. One time I tried to retaliate, after-wards I felt horrible with myself and everyone else looked at me like "how could you do that to ....?" So from then on, I try not to do anything that I wouldn't want done to me.

Regarding the afterlife, I know I have no proof, but with all the near death experiences, and paranormal occurrences, it makes me wonder that perhaps there's something else after death.

I've had a few ghost experiences myself. What I learned was never to meddle with things I don't fully understand ::eek::


Well-known member
Spirituality is a very big part of my life. I pray a lot and I love being in touch with God and attending certain religious events etc.


Well-known member
I would say it's quite a large part of what keeps me going... I basically just worship equilibrium, daoism/taoism. I don't do any acts or worshipping, praying, or what not, I just hold it close. The concepts of balance, nature's power and of non action allows me to put my faith in even the worst conditions I come across, because I know they are as necessary as good. Other than giving me something to lean on, and faith in something greater (which would simply be balance and nature's equilibrium to me), it doesnt' do much for my social anxiety, but I am never completely hopeless if I remember this faith.
For me now, if I am under the premise that their are no higher powers or karma
then when a person does pray or behave in a spiritual manner then it all comes from
inside of that person.
It's really fascinating to me, given the nature of this community.
That people can hold belief or faith for something that might not be real at
all but cannot or have great problems with solving their own issues.
I am not trying to step on anyone toes. Just thinking out loud.

I am trying to say if a person can pray and give themselves comfort and peace of mind
(remember, if no God then this comes from inside of you) then why
cannot a person use that same energy to help themselves with SA/SP or what not?