How Does it Start for you People (and whats the worst part)


Well-known member
Hey every1

I was wondering what is it that signals the start of your anxious reactions?
For me I get a feeling in my stomach. its not painful, its not a need for the toilet, its not sickness. its just a ever present sensation, that with time leads to needed the toilet and vomiting. Its almost like this happens before my thoughts get too bad. But i react to the physical symptoms and worry more, thus i get more anxious and my physical symptoms get worse. Its very hard to break the cycle when Im out of the house.

Does any1 else understand/agree/disagree with that?


For me it starts with a really tense fealing in my muscles, and a heavyness.. sometimes i get really flush / flusterd if it gets bad and feel like i cant breathe right.


Well-known member
hmmm weird~ for me it's usually a head ache, then heart palpatations(sp?) eventually i get really shakey and get a tense feeling in my stomach :S


Well-known member
"feeling in the stomach..heart racing ... tensed
feeling heavy..."

you guy have cool symptoms lol
im kidding...

nowadays i still get these symptoms , but only when im in the dentist
If i didnt react this way i'd be crazy.

If one of you guys can be all cool in the dentist chair, give me a call
and we'll fix each other up with our respective issues.

Seriously, i'm sorry to say for those who asked me about the progress
of my SA freedom program that its pushed off way back.

I've got many things taking my time and putting up the program together
into something that is of the highest standard is much more demanding and time consuming than previously tought.Understand i want to make something great here and yet make it the shortest to the point possible.

I apologize.

P.S. for those who wants to be notified when i'm nearing release
of the program you can email me at micfo07 "AT"
and just write "notify me of your program" as subject line
and include your email address in the email body.

again i apologize.



Active member
often starts as feeling like I can't breath, of course I can but feels tighter so I breath faster, most likely bringing the panic attack on faster... either that or heart starts pounding and I get light headed....


same feeling

hey scatmantom\
i get the same feeling Its like having butterflies in your stomach all the time for no apparent reason.The butterflies will saty in your stomach even when ure relaxed.

try strenuous exercise like basketball it always helps with fighting the butterflies


New member
First i get the nausea feeling in my stomach,then my heart starts pounding and i cant keep still.

I hate the sweating part too but i guess it's better than blushing :oops:


Well-known member
My heart starts pounding my stomach starts jumping around I feel detached from reality, then I start shaking really bad. Usually I feel like I have to get hell away from where ever I am.


Well-known member
in NO particular order, these are all things I feel --

Racing heart
Chest discomfort
Shaky/nervous feeling
Feeling confused/bewilderment
Shortness of breath
Feelings of fatigue/depression
Hot/cold flashes
Muscle tension
Restless feelings
On edge feeling..