I want to try amphetamines for social anxiety, but doctors don't like prescribing them unless you have ADHD. I used to go to a psychiatrist, but all she gave me were antidepressants and the occasional benzo. I feel like antidepressants are sugar pills and benzos aren't very good for social anxiety. Benzos alleviate some of the physical symptoms but the mental anxiety is still there. I feel like stimulants would be the most useful for social anxiety since they give you confidence and will eliminate the mental anxiety (i.e. negative self talk, limiting beliefs, always thinking of the worst outcome etc...).
I feel like if I just had something strong enough for me to socialize, I could gain social confidence and be able to do it without the drugs. At the very least, I could make friends while on drugs for the initial getting to know someone phase and then I'd be comfortable around them enough to be myself without the drugs.
Anyone tried stimulants for social anxiety? I think they are the answer.
I feel like if I just had something strong enough for me to socialize, I could gain social confidence and be able to do it without the drugs. At the very least, I could make friends while on drugs for the initial getting to know someone phase and then I'd be comfortable around them enough to be myself without the drugs.
Anyone tried stimulants for social anxiety? I think they are the answer.
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