How do you find the right therapist?


Well-known member
I saw my only therapist for about 3 years over a 9 year period. Looking back on it, the only thing he really did was prescribe meds and force me to go out more. But I don't think he really helped with any of my problems. When I told him about my problems with eye contact, he sort of seemed confused and didn't understand the issue. I didn't feel like I was making any progress with my awkward situations. I'm thinking about trying someone new, but how do I find a good therapist? I want someone who can help me build my social skills again and learn how to build relationships like everyone else does. I feel like I have no chance for happiness until I get comfortable with myself. It's extremely difficult to take chances and socialize with people, when you don't have confidence in your own behavior. It's hard to explain, but I know I need change. I need someone to help me change. Do you guys have any suggestions in how to find someone good or what to look for?


I've only had my current therapist, and I haven't been seeing her for too long, but she is super friendly and I look forward to seeing her -- maybe I got lucky :). I guess just try out a new therapist, and just get a feel from your first impressions. From the first session or so, you should be able to judge if they are genuinely friendly and trying to help you or not. Mine was really nice even though it took a few sessions for me to warm up to her. If the therapist doesn't seem very good, then I supposed just stop going and try another one. Sorry if that sounds like obvious advice. :<
Good luck!


Active member
Well, it seems like you should leave your therapist. Once, i encounter such therapist who interested in getting off cash out of me. I was with her for 3 months, and i decided to call the shot off and get another better one.

The therapist should give you good suggestions and good listening/understanding person. That's what they suppose to do anyway.


Well-known member
Unless if you have someone in your area who could recommend you one, I think the way to go is trail and error. I got lucky with my first therapist and she was really nice and supportive, but after 6 months, she had to leave to go back to her home country so I ended up seeing another therapist who I saw twice and could not get along with so in the end, I just stopped seeing her.
I would just recommend that you keep looking, but you should definitely leave that therapist, and go to a new one. And if that one doesn't work out, leave them straight away and go to another. I got a recommendation from my GP for a psychotherapist and she was completely rubbish. So I went back and said I wanted a better therapist, that I didn't just need counselling, I needed to get over my anxiety and ways to do that as well as getting therapy. He referred my to my current psychologist who has been a great help. Once I told my GP what I needed, I think he understood, and I don't think he had understood before that, but I let him know my anxiety was seriously messing up my life and I needed some good help.
I think when you do find the right one, you'll know, but I know from experience that staying with a therapist that isn't working for you will only make you worse, not better.
