How do you feel your phobia.



when I feel it it is: cold/hot, i have shivers and something like some electrically-charged needles was put in some places of my body.

How do you experience it?


Active member
not to strong-I feel something in my troat,trembling,watery eyes ,lack of air and sometimes blushing.
strong-a full blown panic attack.


LLawliet said:
not to strong-I feel something in my troat,trembling,watery eyes ,lack of air and sometimes blushing.
strong-a full blown panic attack.
Yeah, I felt that too...
I feel electric pulses, and I feel really flushed, like I can feel my blood pumping and I get really really pale. I also shake a lot and get the shivers, as well as a racing heart.


Well-known member
I dont get you responses at all! hehe
I just feel dread and heaps of pain not physical but from my "inner body"
if ya know wat I meen


Well-known member
i feel my heart racing,my palms sweat and turning cold,i blush easily,i'm very nervous and uncomfortable when i'm in public.i tense up as well if someone i know call me.


Well-known member
Lexmark said:
I dont get you responses at all! hehe
I just feel dread and heaps of pain not physical but from my "inner body"
if ya know wat I meen

I also get that inner dread feeling.
I can't tell wether it's a physical or a mental thing, but I certainly "feel" it...and it aint nice!

ETA: Thinking about it, the closest thing I can liken it to is that feeling of when you are falling in a dream and wake up with a start...that split second feeling you get in your stomach?


I just wanted to compare our feelings, and I must say that I feel all the things you do. I even noticed that my hands were shaking (I didn't realize that until I tried to drink something at the railway station). But I must say that, despite it is not fun now it gets better. I tried many things and thought you could try sth like this: locate your fear (for me it is just a place in myself that I'm outside of and I'm looking at it from outside). It seems that it is a dark hole in my 'inner body' that I cannot see through. But, to the point. Locate that place and go INSIDE. You will notice that you fell very safe there. the fear vanishes in a minute.


Well-known member
watherby said:
I just wanted to compare our feelings, and I must say that I feel all the things you do. I even noticed that my hands were shaking (I didn't realize that until I tried to drink something at the railway station). But I must say that, despite it is not fun now it gets better. I tried many things and thought you could try sth like this: locate your fear (for me it is just a place in myself that I'm outside of and I'm looking at it from outside). It seems that it is a dark hole in my 'inner body' that I cannot see through. But, to the point. Locate that place and go INSIDE. You will notice that you fell very safe there. the fear vanishes in a minute.

I have been trieng this while I meditate. Its hard to get in touch with but when you do and feel it afterwoods you feel really good.
I really beleive everyone with SP should try this.


Active member
I blush terribly and my eyes go bloodshot and watery. My face goes as red as a baboons ass, it's awful.


Active member
I tend to experience in the form of a mild panic attack. I get the fear of having a panic attack; I feel edgy, I shake a little, my thoughts will suddenly race.

When I start to feel anxious I think I fear people will see my anxiety- so I focus on the person, and heavily on how I carry myself.