How do you deal with frustration?


Well-known member
frustration is diferent from embarasment , citing wikipedia:

Frustration is an emotional response to circumstances where one is obstructed from arriving at a personal goal.

i'm very very sensitive to frustration, when something happens and i feel frustrated is like everything in the world will make me more frustrated, i just want to go home and hidde under the pillow. Whenever i feel this way, it will probably affectme for days ...

right now i'm this way :(


Well-known member
If I stop and pray, God usually helps me to refocus and think positive and not dwell on past failures. But usually I'm not smart enough to deal with frustration that way. I'm more likely to start yelling at my husband and kids or just retreat into a room by myself and hide from the world.


Well-known member
I get really anxious, panicky, shaky & sometimes,extremely angry. I feel like the world's going to cave in or explode. Sometimes it sends me into panic attacks, others' it sends me into an anxiety filled almost-rage (the rage usually only happens when my meds are off or I have PMS... lol)