how do you deal with a panic attack?


I'm in grade 12 and I have to go to science class but I'm too afraid to because I will end up getting a panic attack. Every time I am about to enter the class I get overwelmed with anxiety and I end up having to skip the class. I don't want to have to skip but I know that if I go in the classroom all of the students are just going to make fun of me if I get a panic attack. What should I do?


Well-known member
I breathe slowly, in through my nose, count to five, out through my mouth, count to ten. This ensures you cannot hyperventilate. I say in my head "calm, calm, calm", over and over until I feel calm. I also rub my hands together, this helps keep me grounded. If I can I run my hands under cold water, this also helps with grounding and stops anxiety sweating.

I hope this helps.

Peace xxx


Well-known member
I have managed to keep mine at bay for a while now and i used to get them auwful.
- talk to yourself calmly, its ok its just science class nothing auwful is going to happen.

- dont go in late when everyone is already sat down, try to walk in amongst people or think about a way that will make you feel better maybey sitting towards the back .

- Focus on something maybe some work you have with you or even something in the room.

- dont look around at people! force yourself to focus exactly on the lesson, focus on looking like you are paying attention.

- Chewing gum can be good too.

And something my councillor always said to me is what is the worst that will happen? so what if people laugh you are afraid thats all, if they laugh its their own narrow mindedness, they have the problem not you!
Thousands of people if not more suffer pannic attacks i went through years at school with exactly the same problem it wasnt until years later i got councelling for it.
Arrange to see a councillor it will really help.
Wow, I know exactly what you're talking about. I just graduated this year (Finally) and school was the worst. There were some class that I was very nervous as if I just couldn't breathe. It's sucks a lot.

My advice to you is:

-Just like blue said chewing gum can help a bit.

-Try to think about the present moment (I know it's hard, but keep making things up into your head so that you can at least reduce your negative thinking).

-Download relaxation tape (I didn't know about this until now, so I didn't have a chance to listen to it when I was still in school) and listen to it everyday when you have free time. Make sure that you keep listening to it. It won't work on your first try, it takes total focus, time, and practice.

You're already a senior now and you're almost done. Don't give up, I know you can do it. Trust me I know exactly how you feel and although it was hard, I still survived it.


Well-known member
the above suggestions are great.

when i feel i am about to slip into an anxiety attack i don't let myself. and by this i mean i do not let myself think about having an anxiety attack as soon as i feel it coming on, even when i feel my heart pounding and i can't breath. i start to focus all of my thoughts to the stitching on my shoe, for example. mentally focus on something else (ANYTHING) and do not let your thoughts head toward the path of an anxiety attack. all the while take deep, calm breaths. "convince" yourself that you are relaxed even if you don't really feel it. you will get better at it the more you do it. i am 28 and still have to do this from time to time.

if people are really giving you that hard of a time in 12th grade, first, i think you should tell them (as hard as it is) to stop acting immature and to grow up. if they persist you should talk to a school counselor. tell them these people are distracting you from your studies and causing problems. you shouldn't have to put up with that shit. you don't deserve it. at the same time, don't feel too victimy about it. it's nothing personal. these bunch of dolts probably pick on other people just the same way they single you out. and they only single you out because that is THEIR weakness, that is their way of coping with THEIR insecurities. all the shit they are talking reflects poorly on them, not you. so please don't take anything they say to heart. (easier said than done, i know, but i got your back. team benatom!)