How do other people see you?


Well-known member
I think people either see me as weird or stuckup. But either way, I don't think I look like I exhibit much confidence.


Well-known member

Do you see your self? Or do you see your body? When you fall asleep and see your self in a dream where are you?

When others look at us, what appears to their mind?

They see an appearance, in their own mind of our body, this appearance belongs to their mind. They then concieve of us existing in a particular way.

The main point of what i am saying is that they do not directly see us, they see a reflection of us and relate to that reflection as if it were true. We relate to them in this way also which is why we hold tightly our own view of things and why their opinons seem to matter so much to us.

So they see us, but only in relation to their mind, a reflection of us. So it is also valid to say the way in which they see us is mistaken and that they never really see us. This point is quite subtle but there is a big difference.

When you look in a mirror, you see your face but its only a reflection of your face.



Active member
I'm not sure what people think of me, but I would guess they think I'm pathetic and wierd. I feel like I don't even exist at college. Nobody talks to me, nobody makes eye contact...


Well-known member
Funnily enough I think people see me as a show off/funny guy. its only my closet friends or people I've known for a long time who realise how shy/insecure I really am. When I'm feeling good about my life I am a bit of a show off...but its a welcome change from the geeky hermit I can be at other times!!!!