How do i get over and cope with being a physically ugly person?


Active member
No im not kidding you people laugh in my face and insult me every day i look worse in real life anyway. Danmit people don't even look me in the eye sometimes this women looked at me with disgust today for being alive i even overheard my manager say i was ugly i hear ugly were ever i go

Dude, f*ck what other people say or think. They are NOT you, and who gives a f*ck if they call you ugly?! That just makes them an ******* and it just shows how pathetic he is because he's calling you ugly and spreading gossip. F*ck him if he thinks you're ugly, because it's not like he's the one that's going to blow you after work, and it's not like your looks are going to matter or change anything in his life. F*ck that guy, looks don't mean sh*t!

You have to blossom your own motivation and you have to go out there and make yourself better if you think some things about your body are less than what you think they are. Know that you will be okay and things will be better :) you got this man, be positive. Don't dwell into this, it's not good for you (and niether is it true that you're ugly, if you are positive and happy and potential and work towards fixing whatever is bothering you, then that is true beauty... honestly)


Well-known member
i used to be very paranoid in public places and thought people were scared of me when they saw me. But it turned out to be only a result of mental illness (psychosis). these insults and people looking scared of me faded away as i took meds. perhaps you should seek for professional help too.


Well-known member
Some people really are ugly or otherwise physically objectionable. People that overcome it tend to have many other compensatory gifts. It's not a fair world, you've got to be lucky and/or tough minded...fortunately I'm purdy for a middle aged hermit and I only have to worry about being impoverished, ailing and alienated. :)
No matter how aesthetically pleasing a person is, if they look down at their feet, people will look down on them too. You look down and their estimation of you drops. Fact. A lot of kids will either pick on or be picked on. You have to give yourself a break. Look forward when you walk and when they look you in the face, meet them square in the eye. :)