How do I become more interesting?


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Hi, I am new to the forum and thought I'd share a few of my experiences. I am a 27 year old guy living in the UK and have been suffering from shyness and sometimes anxiety for most of my life. I guess it is only the last 8 years (only lol) which have been the worst, the reason being that I went through 4 years of university hell and, for the last 4 years working in London.

In my first three years at university I barely made any friends, only acquaintences. In the final year however, I was forced to live in a particular hall of residence with a group of girls (it was the only room available). They were quite nice to me and I got to know them fairly well over 9 months. We used to go out for drinks and things. We eventually graduated and left in 2001. In all that time I have seen them maybe 5 times since, even though they live only a 20 minute train journey from me. Do you know why? Well basically the only times we meet up are if I instigate it. They NEVER email or call me to find out how I am. I was quite bitter about this the first couple of years because when we parted in 2001 I thought we were friends. Anyway, the last time I saw them was January this year (I organised).

The last time we met I was quite anxious because I knew most of the girls have boyfriends (I used to have a crush on two of them). I hate telling people that I'm single. It is a complete embarrassment. I'm quite tall, in good shape (go to gym), and girls tell me I'm good looking. I know a lot of people who would be surprised to hear that I only had one proper girlfriend. That relationship lasted just 4 weeks last April.

Basically I met this girl at a work acquaintence's party. We were both drunk and ended up kissing at the end of the night. It all happened quite quickly and I couldn't believe my luck! She gave me her number and I rang her a couple of days later. We went on a few dates and I even had her round at my place for dinner (very nerve racking experience!). I was doing quite well until one day she asked me for a coffee and told me we should finish. Naturally I was pretty upset because I know it was because of how I am (stiff/wooden). She used to talk a lot but often when she would ask me questions I had difficulty answering, eg if she asked what I did at the weekend I just wouldn't know what to say, the reason being that I didn't want to tell the truth which was, more often than not: 'I stayed in and watched TV'. Although we are no longer together I have stayed in contact with her and we do occassionally meet.

Now onto the subject of work. My career is unfortunately fairly male dominated and most of those colleagues are 10 years older than me. So opportunities to meet people my own age are pretty few and far between. I know some young people but they are only interested in their already pre-established social circles. I am thinking my only option is to leave and get another job at a different company. I made some 'friends' at a couple of other places I worked but it was more of a work friendship rather than anything that extended further outside..

So my life in general just involves living in my one bedroomed flat, going to work, coming home on a friday evening, surfing the internet or going to the gym. I just don't know what else to do with myself at weekends. What am I supposed to do if I'm on my own? What do 'normal' people do? How do I meet people my own age? I want to do things but everything is biased against single people..

I am fed up of going to work on a monday morning and being asked 'How was your weekend?' and having to make something up. It's embarrassing. I'm going to be 30 years old in a couple of years and what have I got to show for my 20's? Absolutely nothing. Everyone else I know goes to gigs, goes on holidays with their friends/grilfiends, goes to parties, live with their partners. I am lucky if I get to go to 1 party a year and then I always find it aukward because I don't know anyone.

I have seen a girl I quite like at my gym - she works there and seems very nice. It took me about 3 months to pluck up the courage to say something to her. Unfortunately she is not always there and is often busy. I want to ask her out on a date but am embarrassed that I am such a loner. I know she likes how I look but if I'm not interesting, funny or exciting it will never work.



Well-known member
Hi StevieG

Not interesting? - you're a Liverpool fan like me, yeah!

What could be more exciting than that - Champions League, FA Cup....

I recognise a lot of you in me with those weekend issues.

I'm good at my job, have some cash, car, house but no real social life to speak of!

I'm determined to change this though.

I tend to spend my weekends with family but have started to get into some sports like cycling, scuba diving and hill walking.

I think the first step is to immerse myself in these sports enjoying myself and making friends as I go.

Having done that successfully and with the resultant boost in self worth and self esteem I would then channel my energies into meeting a partner.

I'm giving myself a timetable for all of this of 12-18 months.

I'll let you know how I get on!!


Well-known member
jayo said:
Hi StevieG

Not interesting? - you're a Liverpool fan like me, yeah!

What could be more exciting than that - Champions League, FA Cup....

I recognise a lot of you in me with those weekend issues.

I'm good at my job, have some cash, car, house but no real social life to speak of!

I'm determined to change this though.

I tend to spend my weekends with family but have started to get into some sports like cycling, scuba diving and hill walking.

I think the first step is to immerse myself in these sports enjoying myself and making friends as I go.

Having done that successfully and with the resultant boost in self worth and self esteem I would then channel my energies into meeting a partner.

I'm giving myself a timetable for all of this of 12-18 months.

I'll let you know how I get on!!

Yeah, looking forward to the new season, if only I could get tickets to the London matches. My only real friend who I've known for 10 years is an Arsenal fan so might try to go to the Emirates once or twice. Unfortunately this guy works ridiculously long hours and does not live near me. We text a couple of times a week but rarely meet up.

I spend about 1 weekend in very 6 with my family but my mother is starting to wonder why I don't have a grilfriend/wife. All my cousins of a similar age are at least cohabiting.

I like all sports but sadly its difficult to play tennis or football against yourself! The gym is good but everyone tends to keep themselves to themselves.

I was thinking of going on holiday next month but it will have to be on my own. Maybe to somewhere like Tenerife. I'v only been away twice since 1999.


Well-known member
hiya steviegerrard489...i think you do sound interesting...and survived university 8O ...and sounds like you have a good job..good work out and take care of yourself?? that's a pretty good start :wink:


Well-known member
steviegerrard489 said:
Yeah, looking forward to the new season, if only I could get tickets to the London matches. My only real friend who I've known for 10 years is an Arsenal fan so might try to go to the Emirates once or twice. Unfortunately this guy works ridiculously long hours and does not live near me. We text a couple of times a week but rarely meet up.

I spend about 1 weekend in very 6 with my family but my mother is starting to wonder why I don't have a grilfriend/wife. All my cousins of a similar age are at least cohabiting.

I like all sports but sadly its difficult to play tennis or football against yourself! The gym is good but everyone tends to keep themselves to themselves.

I was thinking of going on holiday next month but it will have to be on my own. Maybe to somewhere like Tenerife. I'v only been away twice since 1999.

Sounds a bit like me. I also love sport but in recent years, I've had no-one to play with. I find the gym a bit dull so go cycling/walking and stuff, things that can be done alone, but it's nowhere near as much fun as playing tennis, football, etc with friends used to be.

I have a few relatives living nearby but avoid going to see them because they inevitably bring up the subject of why I never have girlfriends/wife. It's bad enough living with it without people quizzing me about it.

I've also been keen to go travelling (never been abroad before) but the prospect of going alone just seems so intimidating and also boring. There's a world of difference going places with people compared with going by yourself. At this time of year, all my colleagues are talking enthusiastically about their holidays and how much fun they've had or will have, so I feel pathetic when asked where I'm going and my answer is nowhere, just like last year, and every other year....

I've been thinking of going on a cycling holiday - at least I can keep myself occupied during the day by cycling, whilst seeing some new places. Not so sure about what to do with myself in the evenings. Like I said, going alone leaves you at a loose end. But I think it's important to at least have some new experiences, even if they're sometimes difficult or painful. I hope I can gain confidence from going alone once and then genuinely look forward to going again in the future. Also, it'll give me things to talk about with people when I get back.

As for trying to make new friends, well a big plus for you is living around London. There's bound to be loads of clubs and societies. Think about the things that interest you and then see if you can find a local club to join. Finding people with similar interests will give you things to talk about. Consider trying to join more than one club - it'll make your life feel more varied and interesting, you'll meet more people and the more people you meet, the more chance you'll meet those special people that you really connect with. Also, doing things with you evenings, rather than sitting at home alone doing not much, will give you things to talk about with colleagues. It'll make you seem more interesting because you will become more interesting.

It's also not such a bad idea to consider changing job. I've had quite a few jobs over the years and without doubt, the ones I've got the fondest memories of are the ones where I liked the people and made friends. The job content itself tends to be less important than the human relationships. My current job is quite interesting, pays ok but I've never really felt part of the team, so I have no great affection for it.

And yeah, the footy rules! Life becomes bearable again when the new season starts :D . Luckily, I have a couple of colleagues at work who are also interested in the footy. Don't understand how anyone could not love football.
Good post!

I can relate a lot to your current way of life, it mirrors mine so much and I too am just in a puzzle as to how to change things to how I wish it be. I have basically come to the conclusion that I need to get confident and then meet someone - i.e. a girlfriend, because I am the same sort of age as you and it just seems impossible to meet new groups of friends at this age, everyone our age has done the whole socialising life and living it up in their late teens, early twenties, at our age most people settle down.

I did have a really good social life at college and when I went away to uni, I look back on those times really fondly, but when I moved back home after uni I fell out with my best two friends over a disagreement, and I just seemed to lose contact with so many friends from uni - I only keep in touch with one now - and the other friends from my school days here have moved on in life - i.e. married or moved away - so I don't see many friends any more. I have friends at work but I work 30 miles away from where I live and those friends have their own lifes - i.e. in relationships, have families, etc. And now my family have all moved on - my parents retired and moved overseas, so I am very much alone.

I don't get bored with having no social life, I love doing lots of things by myself around the house - i.e. a play poker which I am quite good at, I like to cook lots, I like wine tasting, I like working on my confidence problems i.e. SP, I like watching sports and travel programmes as well as comedies, etc. I am very friendly with someone over the internet who I contact lots and write to frequently, so I never get bored, but in an ideal world things would be very different.

But like I say, I think the answer is to do what everyone else our age seems to do - i.e. meet someone special. Because realistically we are never going to meet a new group of friends now and do loads of fun things. I have thought about doing things to meet friends, like join a golf club, go to a poker club, go travelling (but like someone else said - travelling alone just seems lonely and just not very pleasant - I mean I would love to travel with someone and live it up - see the sights, do some cool things, go to restaurants, go for cocktails, etc - but by yourself - its a lonely experience), walking holidays in the alps, or try join a football supporters club, etc - but I couldn't find any supporters clubs - I support a football team which I love - which is far away from where I live. But none of these ever materialise.

If you can meet someone nice things would be fine socially - i.e. can do loads of fun things together, go on holidays, go to restaurants, have days out - whether it be picnics in the countryside or to the sea side, or go to theme parks, go for weekends away, go to concerts, go for drinks, go to sports events, or just nice times at home, etc.

I do often think is it going to be like this forever. Its a scary thought. I don't know. I just think I have to become confident and overcome SP and then just go for it in life. Whilst I suffer the way I do, everything seems so daunting, so I have got to overcome that!

What do you think?


Firstly, don't be confused by the modern media and the portrayal of people's lifestyles.

Very few of us live like rockstars, waking up with someone new every morning, snorting coke from the toilet seat, getting beat up round the back of the workman's club...

Fact is, most of us sit in and watch Corrie/Eastenders, surf the net, make something to eat and go to bed.

Some of us go out at weekends, but let me tell you that can become pretty mundane going to the same place every week, seeing the same faces, same music, same clothes, same life...

You go to the gym, that's a good start. Maybe you want to think about picking up some extra hobbies, and I know it's always said over and over again, but what about some night classes/clubs that may interest you? You never know, you may meet some people there if you have common interests. Then again, maybe you won't, but that's life. Try something else. The important thing is to get out there and do something. That's if you want to of course....which brings me on to my next point...

Not everyone is that sociable. They may like you to believe, just as you're trying to do, that their life is more interesting than what it actually is, when really they spend every evening sitting in front of the TV after work. There's someone out there for everyone!

Secondly. You're interesting. Everyone's interesting. You just need to find the right person that is interested in you. If you come across a little drab (like I often do), it's not because you're not interesting, but you're actually too busy hiding all the most interesting aspects of yourself.

That's right. Up comes the defensive barrier ('should i say this?', 'should i say that?') and that's that, you settle on talking about the weather.

Live dangerously, let your defences down for a second and let it flow.

It doesn't all come at once, but it will come with practice. There's loads of girls out there that would love to spend their time with you, and that's a fact.


New member
hi i just stumbled accross this page but i felt i had to write something for you. you sound like a lovely guy and i think you can make a change in your life because it sounds like you really want to. seeing as you live in london have you considered leaving your flat and renting a room in a houseshare in a nice house? this would be a great way to meet people because you are socilising all the time. U probs dont need the cash but have u considered getting a part time job on the weekend WHERE you CAN meet people your age, maybe at a gym, bar, anything like that? I moved to london not knowing many people and also lived on my own i had a home job but got a part time job in a really nice bar and my social life sky rocketed from there.

Just be confident and know that you are just as good as the next person nothing less.

hope it helps


Well-known member
Lyd0808 said:
hi i just stumbled accross this page but i felt i had to write something for you. you sound like a lovely guy and i think you can make a change in your life because it sounds like you really want to. seeing as you live in london have you considered leaving your flat and renting a room in a houseshare in a nice house? this would be a great way to meet people because you are socilising all the time. U probs dont need the cash but have u considered getting a part time job on the weekend WHERE you CAN meet people your age, maybe at a gym, bar, anything like that? I moved to london not knowing many people and also lived on my own i had a home job but got a part time job in a really nice bar and my social life sky rocketed from there.

Just be confident and know that you are just as good as the next person nothing less.

hope it helps

Thanks for the message - I can't believe I wrote the message at the top 2 years ago. It's been a long time..

Anyway, for mortgage reasons I'm not allowed to rent my flat out unfortunately but you're right, I wish I had lived in a couple of house shares.

As for working in a bar, nice idea but I need my days off! Plus, I don't have any experience. Maybe there's something else I could do.


Well-known member
Pinker said:
What do you do stevie? That's what I really dont want to work in a male dominated profession, especially a high pressured one. I'm 20, going through uni so im pretty much on the same tracks you were on.

Engineering - avoid it like the plague. Probably a 9:1 men to female ratio!


Well-known member
I got a suggestion

I got a suggestion. Why not just find more like minded people who can relate to you. I think all of us spend too much time trying to fit in with people who we are not compatable with.

Look how good we all do on this site. Its becuse we are sorounded by like minded people.