How Did You Find Valium/Diazepam?


I got prescribed valium by my doctor and took a 5mg tablet today before I went out to particular social event. It had no effect and I still had a horrendous panic attack there, as I always do.
Has anyone else tried this drug?
Do you think 5mg dose is too low?
I took it at 4pm and didn't go out until 7pm so maybe I took it too long beforehand.
I'm interested in anyone else's experiences with it.


Diazepam is a Benzodiazepene. I like it, but I prefer Clonazepam and Temazepam, though I use Diazepam sometimes.

I take either 10-20mgs of Diazepam or 2mgs of Clonazepam, or 30mgs of Temazapem at a time.


I got prescribed valium by my doctor and took a 5mg tablet today before I went out to particular social event. It had no effect and I still had a horrendous panic attack there, as I always do.
Has anyone else tried this drug?
Do you think 5mg dose is too low?
I took it at 4pm and didn't go out until 7pm so maybe I took it too long beforehand.
I'm interested in anyone else's experiences with it.

Diazepam lasts 10-16 hours. 5mgs is a low dose. 10mgs of Diazepam = 0.5-1mg of Clonazepam to give you some prespective. And the normal starting dose of Clonazepam is 0.5mgs x 2 a day or 0.25mgs x 3 a day.


I am on Dizipam,Noca always gives the best advice on this topic,but yeah I started on 5mg and it never touched me,I had to take 10mg,but it really helps :)

I dont have enough to use often and I have an addictive personality so thats a good thing,but yeah they are a life saver when I do use them.


It's like a sedative I guess,it calms you down and relaxes you.It reduces anxiety.No it cant magicaly turn you into a super confident person :D But it does help :)