How did you find out you've the social phobia?


When I was 11 some boy I liked at a local skating rink was like why are you so social phobic! or somethinga like that and laughed a little.ALONG With some of my friends. :oops:
I knew I had it before I was diagnosed


New member
General internet research into curing shyness, none of the symptoms of extreme shyness seemed to fit me, & then i came across social anxiety and everything seemed to make perfect sence.


MissJess said:
When I was 11 some boy I liked at a local skating rink was like why are you so social phobic! or somethinga like that and laughed a little.ALONG With some of my friends. :oops:
I knew I had it before I was diagnosed

Nobody better to diagnose you than an 11 year old boy.