How bad is your generalized HH?


I'm curious to know how bad HH is for other generalized sweaters such as myself. I seem to sweat everywhere except the hands,feet and pits. It's not a 24/7 thing nor is it related to my anxiety (I don't sweat when I'm anxious nor does being anxious cause me to sweat). My condition seems to be purely physiological.I only sweat from physical activity regardless of temperature or even how light that physical activity is. To paint a picture...If I'm walking for a period of over 1 hour or if I'm just doing some kind of rapid physical movement such as dancing...I produce enough sweat to make it seem as if I just hopped out of the shower with my clothes on.


Well-known member
Interesting thread, it's always fascinating to hear about others experience/state.

Though I have heard the expression "just came out from the shower" before, and it doesn't really say much, except that it sounds exaggerating. I mean mate I don't doubt that you sweat a lot of course, but after a shower with your clothes on, there would not be a single spot on your entire clothing dry, and you could also out a bucket under your jeans and wrap out at least two liters of water (sweat) from your jeans only. Is that how much you sweat after walking one hour? Did you wrap two liters out from your jeans?

I can give a couple of examples: I use to walk home from my university here in Hong Kong, it's a 12-15 min walk, downstairs. For about a month ago, the weather on the evenings was about 32 degrees and some 75 per cent humidity. After the walk I had large sweat stains and front and back, and the sweat also showed through my jeans if I had jeans. My socks changed color because of the sweat.

Now, it's around 30 degrees and just over 60 per cent humidity. I walk the same way and front and back are still stained, but I don't get through the jeans if it's not 70 per cent humid or more. Humidity is worse than temperatures. In both cases I had friends walking the same way; none even sweated through a single clothing or even at forehead.

Also by only standing in the sun I will begin to drip, but then "only" between my breast muscles and the lower/mid-lower back. A couple fo weeks ago, 9 a.m., standing in the morning sun chatting with classmates. Had to go in to the lab again after 3-5 minutes, because my shirt started to change color in the front, which was directed at the sun.

My magic border seems to go at 26 degrees, 70 per cent humidity. If it's over any of that, I sweat by just sitting down.

Needless to say, during workout, I look like a complete freak. Even though air cindition inside, if I play squash for an hour, there is a darker color from sweat on about 90 per cent of my t-shirt. I can take it of and wrap the sweat out. Same result if i jog or doing skip rope outside for 20 min, if it's 25 degrees.


I have generalized HH. It's pretty bad in my case. I sweat all over. My feet sweat 24/7 and my hands sweat alot. If its hot I can sweat on my fore arms ,back of hand , legs, knees. for the most part walking can trigger me to sweat alot on my back and stomach to a point where my shirts are soaked. for some reason my nose sweat 24/7.people think its bumps but it is beads of sweat. in cold weather i still sweat but not as much. my under arms will still sweat . My feet will no matter what . i usually get frost bite in my feet in the winter because of wetness.

me working out would make me sweat heavy everywhere.for some reason walking up stairs make me sweat easily also. i also noticed if i'm walking and sweating a little or not at all, once i stop or sit down the sweat will then come out like crazy.


I have generalized HH. It's pretty bad in my case. I sweat all over. My feet sweat 24/7 and my hands sweat alot. If its hot I can sweat on my fore arms ,back of hand , legs, knees. for the most part walking can trigger me to sweat alot on my back and stomach to a point where my shirts are soaked. for some reason my nose sweat 24/7.people think its bumps but it is beads of sweat. in cold weather i still sweat but not as much. my under arms will still sweat . My feet will no matter what . i usually get frost bite in my feet in the winter because of wetness.

me working out would make me sweat heavy everywhere.for some reason walking up stairs make me sweat easily also. i also noticed if i'm walking and sweating a little or not at all, once i stop or sit down the sweat will then come out like crazy.

Misery loves company:D. I too soak through shirts,hats,shorts and even undershirt+shirt+jacket. I literally at one point had to carry extra shirts with me wherever I went and also had to take water because as you know when you sweat like this you can dehydrate to dangerous levels. My HH seems to be getting better a lot more mild of late.


Interesting thread, it's always fascinating to hear about others experience/state.

Though I have heard the expression "just came out from the shower" before, and it doesn't really say much, except that it sounds exaggerating. I mean mate I don't doubt that you sweat a lot of course, but after a shower with your clothes on, there would not be a single spot on your entire clothing dry, and you could also out a bucket under your jeans and wrap out at least two liters of water (sweat) from your jeans only. Is that how much you sweat after walking one hour? Did you wrap two liters out from your jeans?

I can give a couple of examples: I use to walk home from my university here in Hong Kong, it's a 12-15 min walk, downstairs. For about a month ago, the weather on the evenings was about 32 degrees and some 75 per cent humidity. After the walk I had large sweat stains and front and back, and the sweat also showed through my jeans if I had jeans. My socks changed color because of the sweat.

Now, it's around 30 degrees and just over 60 per cent humidity. I walk the same way and front and back are still stained, but I don't get through the jeans if it's not 70 per cent humid or more. Humidity is worse than temperatures. In both cases I had friends walking the same way; none even sweated through a single clothing or even at forehead.

Also by only standing in the sun I will begin to drip, but then "only" between my breast muscles and the lower/mid-lower back. A couple fo weeks ago, 9 a.m., standing in the morning sun chatting with classmates. Had to go in to the lab again after 3-5 minutes, because my shirt started to change color in the front, which was directed at the sun.

My magic border seems to go at 26 degrees, 70 per cent humidity. If it's over any of that, I sweat by just sitting down.

Needless to say, during workout, I look like a complete freak. Even though air cindition inside, if I play squash for an hour, there is a darker color from sweat on about 90 per cent of my t-shirt. I can take it of and wrap the sweat out. Same result if i jog or doing skip rope outside for 20 min, if it's 25 degrees.

No exaggerating here. I'm pretty sure that I weigh a lot more than you do so naturally my body is able to hold more water and thus produce more sweat overall. Nothing is more embarassing than to not only be walking around covered in your own sweat from your head to your ankles but to have your shorts and knickers completely soaked. From that day on, I wore black only::p:. However, the uncomfortablity that HH causes is far worse than any social embarassment. You know it's a feeling that you can't even be physically comfortable in your own skin type of thing.


you are just like me. I wear all black now all the time. I dont like carrying extra stuff to wear but i will have to because i sweat so much. As fo being dehydrated, thats a serious issue and people with HH should be aware of it. I use to play basketball and run track. playing bball pretty much all afternoon and i got dehydrated really bad about 5 time in my life.I couldn't see,hear, all my muscles were locked. I was reading about dehydration and found that i could have died each of those 5 time. i can't believe my body would continue to sweat bring my to a dangerous state. It's absolutely crazy.

ravens410 you said your hh is getting better. Are you doing any thing in particular to help ease up the effects of HH


you are just like me. I wear all black now all the time. I dont like carrying extra stuff to wear but i will have to because i sweat so much. As fo being dehydrated, thats a serious issue and people with HH should be aware of it. I use to play basketball and run track. playing bball pretty much all afternoon and i got dehydrated really bad about 5 time in my life.I couldn't see,hear, all my muscles were locked. I was reading about dehydration and found that i could have died each of those 5 time. i can't believe my body would continue to sweat bring my to a dangerous state. It's absolutely crazy.

ravens410 you said your hh is getting better. Are you doing any thing in particular to help ease up the effects of HH

Wow. There is just something gratifying about knowing that somebody else has been through the same shit I've been through. I was completely ignorant about HH even though I've had it my whole life (hindsight is 20/20) because it was mild until recently. I too did not realize how bad dehydration was for your body (brain,organs) until I started reading about HH and dehydration. I too now realize that I could have died or at the least damaged my organs/brain on a few occasions. I haven't done anything different that seems to be easing the effects HH. I think it's just the nature of the unpredictable beast. Sometimes, I would be outside under the hot sun and sweat minimally yet...on a day with perfect temperature....I'd be sweating profusely for no apparent reason. It's certainly a weird condition...I don't know what to tell you.


Well-known member
Jesus that really put things in a perspective. I thought my HH was severe, but maybe sweating through the jeans at the waist area and the backside knees ain't so bad after all.

Could you actually wrap out sweat from the pants after just normal walking in normal weather?


Well-known member
If you sweat everywhere EXCEPT hands, feet and pits...that suggests secondary hyperhidrosis. So I would get some tests for thyroid function, pheochromocytoma and diabetes done for starters.

Primary HH is a condition of the eccrine sweat glands, that are present all over the body, but mainly in palms, soles and armpits. So if you would have primary HH you would expect some or a combination of these areas to be affected. If you're HH is secondary to another disease that might be treatable and if it is you might get rid of it.

I would consider myself to be a generalised sweater as well, but I'm not sweating over my entire body, however the sweating on my palms, soles, trunk, pits, upper legs, inside of knees, lower back to me is bad enough to call it generalised sweating (really quite comparable to Grimaldi from what he writes). For me it started on my hands and feet and then over time spread to the other areas as well. The only area that doesn't really seem affected in my case which could have been is my head. I don't sweat on my head at all except for if I excersize.
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Well-known member
I sweat heavily on my hands and feet the entire day. During the summer there are usually beads of sweat on my feet and small "pools" of sweat on my hands (often going up my forearms). This lessens during the winter, but is still present, and gets worse when I am anxious, or when I am in a heated room.

Truncal sweating: (especially the below the knees), this occurs almost throughout the entire summer (beads of sweat on my legs). Air conditioning helps, fans help more. This also calms down in the winter, but anxiety or warm heated rooms brings it right back.

My forehead sweats noticeably when I walk in the sun during the spring and summer, and always occurs in anxious situations...or, again, in heated rooms during the winter. My back sweats throughout the summer; though not through my shirt, but there is an annoying layer or "film" of sweat (which leaves marks on chairs).

In general, I am always over heated (which at times can be worse than the sweating itself). My sweat is almost always cold and clammy, which is another fantastic sensation in itself. So, overall, I am now one uncomfortable and irritable bastard :)

Surprisingly, I don't sweat that much from my armpits! Also, the problem is always worse when I am sitting down (maybe correlated with circulation? Or possibly the sweat is evaporating when I am moving. Who knows).

Anyways, I always post about my sweating patterns, so this will be my last post on that :)
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