Hopeless [Not sure if this is the right forum]


Well-known member
Hi Sawkward :)
I know exactly how you feel Regarding work. I always find break times the worst because your pretty much forced to interact and make small talk with one and another. My collegues have just stopped talking to me because I just gave one word answers. I'm rubbish with people.
With the girl you speak to online if she's comfortable on webcam with you she must like you. So I think you should definetly go for it. Easier said than done.
Anyways just thought I would add my 2 cents in. And I can relate a lot to what you have said :)


Well-known member
Hey hey, welcome to the forums :)
With regards to your girl problem I think you just mention to her, as a passing comment about how shy/insecure you are. Speaking as a girl, that would absolutely NOT put me off you (although there is a chance that's only because I understand..) and I really think that it would help you. By explaining yourself, you've not got anything to lose because she'll eventually find out anyway. Just do it subtly and don't make a big deal out of it. It might be a problem if you don't really know her that well yet? Good luck, anyway! :)