History of SA


New member
Hello from OZ

I wonder if this social anxiety problem was around 200 years ago . It seems to be a thing that has reared its ugly head during the past 50 years or so. When you think about it , contemporary modern society is all screwed up. Most of us live in suburban boxes , we were not programed to live like this .. Before the industrial revolution , most people lived in villages , surrounded by many relatives , all working together for the common good . Instead, in todays world we compete and compete against each other . No wonder we are all so sick .

I think it was Margaret Meade who wrote or said , the worst thing to have ever come along in human social history was the 'Nuclear family' . In our modern world , each family is a seperate little capsule on its own , you can grow up with many very odd influences and ideas being thrust into your head . You cannot choose your parents and there is no compulsory course for good parenting .

I always thought it strange .. if you want to adopt a kid , the authorities check your background in great detail . But , if you marry and have children of your own the natural way .... no license or checks required , you can be a total loonie or a convicted murderer and be responsible for bringing up children .. nobody around to check on you .. Remember the village situation 200 years ago , always there would be other relatives and village elders around to keep an eye on things .

I think we who have SA are the sane people , it's the rest of society that's stuffed, not us . Every time I go into town, I walk past hundreds of strangers - who do I trust . I cannot know them all . My village is full of strangers and I don't like it .

Greenman in OZ


The reason social anxiety has only been around for 50 years is because psychology hasn't existed much longer than that, and mental disorders could not be identified much earlier than that. We have no way of knowing how prevalent it may or may not have been before the last century. I do agree, however, that there are some cultural factors that exacerbate it, and the nuclear family may be one of them. The Western personality ideal of being extroverted, courageous, and independent has also negatively contributed to our problem, in my opinion.