Higher chance of being scrutinized because of looks


Well-known member
This is what holds me back the most! I'm too scared of being scrutinized because of my feminine physique. I just don't know how to overcome it. How do you overcome something that is so obvious to others? I thought I had bdd but you can't be diagnosed with bdd if the "perceived" flaw is an actual flaw and if it's an actual flaw that everyone can see, then that leaves me much more susceptible to scrutiny than normal looking people! :mad:

I'm so sick of this ****. Everywhere I go, the only people I find are attractive, judgmental,, and shallow people. Where are the misfits? Where are MY people?

x Will x

Well-known member
Your people are everywhere, they probably arent as loud as all the "judgemental" and "shallow" people. (Im not going to include attractive because what you see as attractive might be plain ugly for others!:p)

Good looks really do differentiate from one persons perception to another!

You shouldn't worry about how you look, when it comes to socialising, people are far more interested in themselves. This took me 6 years to really believe it so if you go out with a hunch that this is true you will prove to yourself that this really is the case! and no matter how you look, your people will always be there.:)


Well-known member
I'm another misfit in some ways :)

I hope you will start to feel better about who you are and what your body looks like. You're not the only person with issues on how they look. Everyone has this issue, though some more than others. What is important is how we treat other people. & the people who treat us badly will eventually get it back to them.