High school started today.


Well-known member
So I started grade 10 today, we only went in for an hour to know our homerooms but i'm already nervous as all hell. I couldn't even walk into the office to use the phone, i had to build up to it.
Luckily i don't have to go in for a day or two because of a problem with my schedule, so i can take a breather.
Does anyone have any advice or tips or anything? Anything at all?
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Well-known member
I hated high school and I'm glad I graduated. My (not so) helpful advice would be try your hardest to be social. For the most part, high school will be hell if you're known as the quiet kid because even teachers will pick on you.


Well-known member
I think the best advice I could offer would be :

High school is a chapter in your life. For good or for bad it will pass. Life changes dramatically after you leave. So try your best to enjoy the experience and just remember that things will change after you leave.


Well-known member
My high school wasn't bad at all. People left me alone and some of the classes actually helped me. Elementary school was the hard part for me. After that I became so numb and devoid of personalty that I wasn't even fun to pick on, so that made things easier.

My advice is to be on the lookout for a few friends there who are helpful and never mind everyone else. High school is like its own little world. Everyone there thinks it's so important and gets caught up in the drama, and often hurt by it. But ultimately, everyone leaves. Apart from your grades and any long-term friends you may be fortunate enough to make, none of it means anything after graduation.