High school experien?


Well-known member
Well i just wanted every one to post rhere exepience starting from freshmen to senior, postting that were good times and bad times and also what would you change... Go!!! Ill start with me

Freshmen- first day at a new school was a loaner hanged out with no one untill 2nd semester hamged out with 2 people also was in cross coutry wanted to be in track so badly anyways my first cross country meet got last place :( felt like a loser 2nd race got 56th place out of 100 some kids not bad, was in a relation ship with some one i dint like lasted 3 weeks also tried out basketball could not even do a lay-up got humiliated :(

Sophmore- hanged out with some friends more about 4 quit cross country still wanted to be in track, joined golf only attended practice never competed i was scared to mess things i joined because a friend wanted me
To be in it but latter he quited.

Junior- hanged out witheven more people about 9 quit sport dint even want to be in track, friend joined basketball wanted to dunk like the nba players started working out with him at the school gym got into working out, dindt do much

Senior - my body changed got buff people started complementing me felt good about my self and still working out, most of my frieds from last year graduated just hang out with 4 friends

Summary - well i dint do much i wish i could go back in time and tell my self to not give up every tings gona be alright