Hiding, SA or No?


Well-known member
I am not quite sure if it shyness or SA, because I tend to usually seclude myself in an upstairs room, especially if there are girls around.
One time a family friend visited, and with him were two attractive girls my age, about 19 or something, I was so freaked out I stayed upstairs.
Is this SA or not?
I know what you mean - i do that a lot. Its a shame because i know it is always a missed opportunity. I also think about it after and regret it. So yes that would be considered something which is related to social anxiety/ shyness. It has various degrees of severity, and no two cases are the same though.


Well-known member
I always hear; "Where's (my name)?"
Which is followed by; "Oh, he's shy."
I definately don't want to come down then.


Active member
Yea just because people call you shy doesn't mean it isn't deeper than that. I really never here of people being shy around their own family, so I think you have SA.


Well-known member
Yeah, that sounds like shyness or SA.

I get like that too. Like whenever my brother will have friends over I'll stay in a separate room. One time while my parents were away my brother threw a party and I practically locked myself in the den and didn't even want to go out to use the bathroom or get a snack.