
Feeble Scream

Active member
I'm 18 years old male from Finland. I've had social anxiety for years now but it keeps getting worse. I usually try to hide my phobia (with little success) as I'm afraid that people will brand me as a totally lunatic freak. I would want to be social but I'm just usually too damn afraid to say a single word. When I was younger I tend to escape to video games. Now that doesn't work and only music helps me though even it has started to lose it's effect. ::(:
Now I'm just trapped in my room, daydreaming about life I don't have.

I'm glad I'm not alone and maybe I can get some friends here. :)


Well-known member
Hi FS. Welcome to the forum...the moment I found people were having similar difficulties to me, I did not feel so alone!

What goes through your mind when you try and fail to speak? Perhaps try making a video blog to help practice getting the right words out, uploading it completely optional!

Feeble Scream

Active member
What goes through your mind when you try and fail to speak? Perhaps try making a video blog to help practice getting the right words out, uploading it completely optional!
The usual. Did I say something stupid, what do they think of me now. And did I say it too loud or too quietly. What tone of voice did I use etc.
I wouldn't like to vlog because I always get nervous in front of camera, whether it's on or not. And I already talk to myself sometimes. :D


Well-known member
Sounds like vocal self consciousness. I know exactly what you mean...voice tone, body language, my facial expressions. I scrutinise myself then I think about them scrutinising me!

We have to think of someway of getting you confident talking. I practised speaking with a non-judgemental disabled friend..this really helped. Take tiny steps, and with enough practice, I really hope you can get to where you want to be.