

I have recently come across this site & think I might possibly have the social anxiety disorder. To complicate it I have a long term illness called M.E./chronic fatigue syndrome, which I have had for 11 years, I'm nearly 23. Which makes the social anxiety worse & gives me depression. I think the M.E. has been the trigger to SA as I got bullied at high school for having M.E. & being shy.

What has triggered other peoples' SA? Have others' had illness as a trigger?

I do all I can, I work part time, go to night school (college) once a week. When I have opportunity I go to gigs & rock clubs & jam with other musicians. It just not as frequent as I wish it could be. I don't seem to form decent friendships & relationships just fair weather acquaintances. When it's really bad it makes me a bit agoraphobic.

Internet socialising isn't really for me because it makes me feel really isolated & depressed. I talk to people on the phone but when it's bad it makes me a bit paranoid.

Treatment wise I have tried CBT, been to a psychiatrist, tried anti depressants nothing helps. I just force myself to do things a lot of the time even when I don't want to. It would be nice one day to feel at peace & not awkward with myself or anyone. Reiki & meditation have been helpful to me but once the session has ended the dread creeps back.

Really want to get over this because all I want to do with my live is very social like being a musician (you don't come across many musicians who are afraid of their audience, I might be an exception lol.) I would love to work in social care helping disabled people as a carer or care assistant.

I'm very friendly with people & make an effort but I am quite gentle natured & soft spoken which is a disadvantage sometimes.

Sorry for writing a lot, hope to hear from anyone.



Well-known member
Hey there, welcome. A lot of us end up being more social online because it helps ease our pain, but in your case you said you don't like it. Sometimes though you need to remember, that it's often easier to talk to people online than it is offline about your problems, because at the end of the day we're complete strangers.

Anti depressants probably ain't going to help with your SA anyway to begin with, so no surprise that they didn't help. CBT also needs a professional who actually specializes in CBT and doesn't just read it out of the book. A psychiatrist most likely can't help because at the end of the day their field is still medicine based. A psychologist skilled in the workings of CBT possibily COULD help. I wouldn't trust a CPN or Psychiatrist trying to do CBT to be honest.

I know what it's like to force yourself to do stuff, even if it causes great discomfort. I think, at the end of the day, you need to have insight into this irrational thinking and realise that it's not real. As I don't have SA, I can't comment exactly, but there is a lot in common with my Avoidant Personality Disorder and Social Anxiety, and I do think that self-insight and rational thinking is the key. I know that irrational stuff happens in your brain in social situations, but it's all about reading that information and, well, translating it to something workable.

It's admirable that you'd love to work with helping people, that is very kind of you. Like you, I am also into music. I do compose my own classical new age stuff, but I don't need an audience because it's all digital and distributed online. I guess your looking for a more hands on approach, you know, stage performing etc. You can do it though, give it time. Take care!


Thanks, I have been to a proper CBT therapist for a good 30 sessions it was very unhelpful & a waste of time. I know if you are awkward social intertet is better for you but I prefer to talk to people especially if they are a potential friend or relationship first off than on msn or chat room.


Well-known member
What is M.E., by the way?

Oh, and welcome.

edit: never mind, I looked it up. I'm sorry you have that. Usually when I feel truly tired (I feel tired most of the time because of how much anxiety I go through), I tend to wonder if I have it, but I hope I don't.


You don't need to feel sorry for me there's a lot worse things to have than CFS but the SA & other things sometimes cause it to be a vicious circle. I just want to get better from these conditions.

Hope other people can get better from them & live the life they want.


Thanks, I have been to a proper CBT therapist for a good 30 sessions it was very unhelpful & a waste of time. I know if you are awkward social intertet is better for you but I prefer to talk to people especially if they are a potential friend or relationship first off than on msn or chat room.

Hi RockChick, welcome to SPW!

CBT didn't work for me either. But ACT does. ACT is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Check it out, hopefully it'll help you too.