

Hi. I've known I have SA for 7 years unless you count the time before when I knew something was wrong ("I'm just allergic to people") but didn't have a diagnostic name for it, in which case it's much longer. I'm not really new to anxiety sites either, but been feeling I'd like to get back to posting someplace, and this might just be that place! Hello Social Phobia World! Then again I might make 5 posts and then disappear, because I enjoy doing that also. :oops:

Um. I'm a 25 years old female, unemployed college dropout from California. My only contact with "irl" people is my family and the random store clerk, but I don't really have a desire for more at the moment. My life isn't too bad.


Well-known member
Dude you should totally stay! This place is very lovely :) You should also check out the chat. We talk about serious things in there...but we also have lots of fun :D

Hope to see you around


Well-known member
Welcome aboard Feffer!

Theres light at the end of the tunnel, whenever your ready to pursue it. :wink: